There's only one fix for the Blackrock Mountain pvp event

i actually liked this format, dunno why blizzard abandoned this idea.


It’s still there and you get new currency for it, but not really new items. Every time they make a different event, it has a different structure.

It would be weird if they just did the same thing in different place. I think it’s… strange to pick a place with not one but two raids in it to make the mass PVP playground. But I don’t see why they would remake an event format that already exists.

You’re obnovious, you didn’t win any argument here.

nah they do. all day every day.

yall have paladin, blizz favorite son since 2004.

If the rez timer wasnt so bad and there were more rez locations it wouldnt be that aweful. The problem is on the US’s premier server CS its 60-40 horde favored, unfortunately we wont have those numbers for 2-3 weeks and they will get worse from there as ppl leave

Why is it an all day 24/7 thing that I do not understand

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Because what you described is basically just that. Warmode used ‘incentives’ to get the “underdog” faction to enable Warmode; increased XP, coin, Honor. Yours is just giving a ‘call to arms’ buff to stats. But it’s still “a system designed to incentivize the use of the feature”, feature here being the event.

The response is always the same. “Warmode is for retail”, “they should have rolled PVE”.

On the first, I’ll disagree. This is SoD, it was billed as ‘an experiment’. This is not Vanilla. On the second, I’ll fully agree. They should have known PVP wouldn’t be like it was back in 2004.

But, in the end. Do you want Warmode or do you want a dead server. Because either Blizzard will open up transfers off, players will reroll (if no transfers), or they’ll quit.

…you have two options. Neither of them are the ‘perfect ending’, just varying degrees of ‘bad ending’.

Where is this information coming from?

Ah right, speculation…

It doesnt help a couple of alliance on the forums asking for other alliance to xfer to WG. lol

It’s an easy way to point at the problem, until you realize that maybe, just maybe, it’s because people don’t necessary come back to the game in a balanced way.

Plus we all know, it’s the layers that are usually not balanced. While doing incursions had to swap layers to find faction dominated ones.

It’s almost like PVP is a terrible part of the game, with very limited exceptions.

War Mode ruined World PVP and it was absolutely the best decision for the long-term health of the game.

Ganking someone once in the overworld? Fine. Pay your PVP tax.
Ganking someone 5+ times and they never had a real chance to fight back? Griefing.

Straight up wasting people’s time is why players quit the game. Ya’ll complain about Blizzard “not respecting the player’s time” yet this same community is griefing other players by wasting their time.

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They need to get rid of PVP servers because players can’t help themselves from rolling on a PVP server and then complaining about getting killed by other players and quitting.

This right here. It’s NOT PVP. 100+ players rolfstomping 2 people trying to do the dailies or get to the instance is not PVP. How is this even fun for them?

Are horde this braindead that they don’t realize what they are doing?

There was always pvp in Blackrock but this event gives a very, very large incentive to kill everyone on sight. Just adding a graveyard there isn’t enough, we need stv style rez immunity.

People are having to corpse hop 3-5 times, with rez timers, just to get into brd when it’s busy.

They should probably look into ways to make the area more balanced too

We gathered 40 people in a raid on Lone Wolf, and made it for the mountain. Over 200 horde were there. Did not go well for us.


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