There's only one fix for the Blackrock Mountain pvp event

Remember when sod was alliance dominant and the forums said what exactly then?


You can just swap layers tho. I doubt Horde are on every layer.

When I played Winterspring in OG Wrath, there was a buff for the minority faction. I was buffed into a raid boss and could 2 shot any horde, only problem was once I got too outnumbered I would get CC’d to death.

Horde have dominated most layers through incursions; although disparity wasn’t nearly as bad as this.
Horde literally have an entire guild dedicated to griefing e.g. 40man DMF griefing alliance.

It’s clear people don’t want regular PvP, they want to grief.


lmao Alliance used to camp and shut down Hordies from entering BFD, etc. so now when the shoe is on the other foot yall want to complain about it? Group up then and come fight us.

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Uh huh, and where exactly did you get this very reliable population data you are basing this off of?

Because saying “See there are no Alliance here for this event” is not proof of server imbalance, it’s just proof that the Alliance on that server are not interested in that event.

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yeah I still remember the 40-80 man raids of alliance players camping bfd entrance and pushing horde all the way back to their camp on the coast. Nothing was ever done, so now ally shall suffer.

Love this idea

Only like 10% of alliance are really interested in pvp. That has never changed.

Blizzard should’ve release this even a couple of weeks later. Not that it would’ve mattered.

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Only because so many Alliance left in P3. Even then, Horde dominated only Feralas. The DMF griefing was by far Alliance dominant until the end of P3; our Horde players stuck it out for like 3 days during our rotation following that hunter multi-boxers ban, but then we just didn’t care. My toons were griefed by Alliance until the last DMF of P3.

As someone who always chose Horde and the less dominant faction, I don’t want griefing or unbalanced gameplay. I hope we can right the ship and get numbers fairly equal again. Yes, there are some tuning changes that Blizz could do, but the core issue is Ally don’t want to play unless they are totally dominant. Not a peep when they crushed everything P1, 2, and half of 3.


Shaman were pretty broken in P2 thou lol

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In the second half, yes.

High does of ancedotal cope.

Ok so people do actually tell themselves this.

If thats what you read, then you truly are wearing rose tinted glasses.

Why make a PvP event only active inside an area where all the dungeon entrances are?
Why is the Pvp event inactive outside of BRM?

None of what you said answers the fact that there’s guilds who dedicate themselves to griefing - I’m still yet to find one on Alliance.

Same story on HC btw.

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Guild leader here, trying to go in with a guild grp to do Blackrock Spire, its takeing us 30 minutes to get from entrance to dungeon entrance. Half the guild wants to transfer now because we as a guild want to do a raid for our time schedule we have set, some pvp is fun, but when we have something else we want to do and we can not access that content because there is multiple horde raids from stopping us, we went in with a group of 20 alliance to try and do a breakthrough and got stomped, if we can’t get to content we want to do then this is a problem from a game standpoint,

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That’s not an issue with PVP server designs, that’s an issue with you making a bad choice. PVP servers are not “PVP when you feel like it” they are PVP all the time. When it’s not convenient. PVP when you don’t want there to be. PVP when you want to do something else. That is the design of the server type you chose.


Could we get guards at the BRD entrance like what was implemented for incursion quest givers? At least make a safe space that we can summon party members and end this corpse run mess.


Delete the event


Yeah except when it was pvp infront of incursions and blizzard introduced guards to counter the pvp happening on a pvp server.

nice try though

They decided that there was too much disruption at the quest giver and the rep vendor, that doesn’t discount what I said. Did they put in guards EVERYWHER? No. They put them in at one very specific spot.

Nice try though.

except when they put in guards to stop pvp happening all the time