Is OK1 do explain what Bois what boss or rating counter requires you to have 3 sets of gear exactly?
It’s not needed unless you’re a tank which you would need resist gear for some fights I could see you having some pieces for DPS.
If they wanted you to switch’d but realistically it’s not gonna be this oh all the sun I switch my spec into 3 times the amount of DPS.
I mean even as a tank when people say you have a threat set is love a threat set its more of threat pieces.
It’s the same thing with hit for casters Let alone if you’re Is Guild is literally making you switch gear pieces after every single fight you Have other issues.
I mean unless you’re in one of those triheart sweaty gilds no There should be only 2 things that matter one the boss dies Too And I’m gonna say a terrifying word here I know.
I know terrifying thought Dual speck would be related for the game on top of that if it’s really that big of an issue.
They could do this magical thing just make it so you can’t respect indulgence and rates and arena.
There solved Is let alone I would almost say probably most people at this point that are playing at that tryhard level probably have all bits and all the pieces for their offspect put together.
On top of that I keep know that people keep clinging to this pretend difficulty that’s there because here’s the thing the fights aren’t that hard.
There’s millions of guides everywhere If you’re really having that much trouble for your best same thing.
There’s absolutely no reason why you would need 3 gear sets honestly it’s obviously I could see you having some off pieces or DPS or maybe some pieces for extra mannery Gen. For longer fights for healers.
But 3 separate gear sets no there’s no way you this way you would need that there is no boss fight in the Bixby in the burning crusade that would require you to have 3 gear sets.
On top of that realistically if you’re really have a Is guilt that’s that sweaty where you have to have 3 gear I have 3 gear sets.
They’re probably having a mage put a port down view teleporting back through teleporting back to a major city to respect and come back anyway.
But again there’s no boss fight in this expansion that would require it not one.
So I’m sorry no your argument has no weight Because seriously mark my words tempus keep, Serpent shrine cavern I give it the fact that I’m gonna be cleared Is in the 1st 10 hours of them being released.