There's no going back, and thank you

They are undertuned though. They’ve essentially made the lower half of mythic+ obsolete because they reward better gear, require no groups, and have far easier mechanics.

I go in on my tank and pull 3-4 packs and just aoe them down. Wait for cds and repeat. They’re seriously easy for the rewards they give.

I do think they’ll most likely end up as an evergreen feature, but they’ll also most likely be adjusted as we go along.

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Boy do i have some fun and depressing info for you.

That WAS the original idea. In fact the entire follower system, was meant to be way more in depth then what we got.
we were meant to be able to equip our followers a lot more, there was meant to be a hospital building where you could have your followers heal up faster
You were meant to be able to send them into dungeons for you, and there would be a chance if they failed you would have had to go to that dungeon to rescue them.

like when you start looking at how much was planned for WoD and how much we did not get, its infuriating.

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That’s because M+ is overtuned. Allegedly, players asked for M+ to be trimmed down and the “useless” keys be cut. Now we’re left with super difficult keys and a high barrier to entry.

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As some one who has been doing m+ for a while, I can not think of a single person, or a single time, i have ever seen anyone, in all seriously ask, or be taken serious, that they wanted lower keys completely removed.

I’m a fan of these changes. While I’ll still prefer grouping with players and not NPCs, sometimes it’s convenient to just do a quick quest with followers instead waiting for others to join you.

There’s so much legacy content in this game too that new players just don’t know about. I’d love to see Follower Dungeons expand to the older content and even have more stories to tell within them. New players deserve to see the full breadth of the game and why we’ve stuck around for these 20 years.


Well thats always been a thing blizzard keeps fumbling with, they have 20 years of content, but dont seem to want to use it.

Funny enough M+ and time walking is doing the heavy lifting in that department.


Except mythics didn’t kill raiding and is still an alternative to raiding. What you clowns are asking for is for Delves to be neutered to the point the gear is lesser than M0 and people are back to having to choose raid or M+.

Players choosing delves over M+ says more about the desire (or lack of) to do M+ than gearing in delves. You can still gear up faster and get better/more loot in M+ than delves.


It’s unfortunate. So many, MANY cool locations and fights in the game that due to the constant changes in the leveling experience, people are less inclined to go out and see the content.

It blows my mind. Blizzard has some great systems - world quests, dungeon finder, bonus objectives - ALL of these could be systems that would flourish and accentuate these pieces of content even more by providing player incentives, all the while letting newbies see stuff that IS pretty neato, yet they don’t.

I think they’re just content to let folks see it during iterations of Classic instead.

Bro…yes they did lol. Mythic staight up gutted normal raiding and drove it into the ground.
The only reason you ever even raided in all of DF, was for trinkets, thats it, Trinkets were held hostage by the raid. Other then that raiding is one of, if not still, the worst way to get gear in this game.

M+ Orignally was meant to be an alternative to raiding i agree, but it has since become the premium way to gear, until now, but M+ still is the best way to gear for heroic level gear.

Literally not what the M+ community is asking at all.
You are conflating the points, we dont want delves loot neutored, we want M+ to bumped up to what it should be for how much effort it is to do compared to delves.
Most people jsut want the squish reverted and the levels of when chrests drop to be changed but to what it was in DF 1-3.

Then your complaints have nothing to do with delves and you should just shut up about them.

Becuase delves are relative to the conversation here. Chill out, im liteally here on team i like delves and think they are fun.
We bring up delves because they are the premium example. They reward great loot for very little effort, and the amount of effort comparative to M+ shows a clear issue with the M+ formula.

M+ just needs to have tuning adjusted for it, or reverted back to the old key system and crest levels.
If they would have just kept M+ as it was in DF S1-3, none of this would be an issue.
I dont care about Delves, i personally think they reward to much loot, but im not here saying they need to be gutted.

I’m just repeating what some others (delve haters) have said in other threads. They act like players asked for exactly that.

Edit - I agree with you, I’ve never once seen a player ask for that.

I took a look at the group finder and I found that there were still a lot of groups running for Normal raids - more than the number of heroics that were listed at least (it was about 90 to 70). Mythic+ dungeons had about 100 listings, but considering those are of parties of 5 versus 10+ and that there’s more dungeons than there are raids, it seems like normal raiding is doing just fine.

Raiding is just more reliable for gearing than hoping and praying you get what you want and how you want it from your chest/vault. I don’t think it’ll go anywhere any time soon.

And thats wild because i dont think i can recall a single time that the M+ community wanted that change, in fact most everyone was against it in DF S4.

There were indeed people who claimed 2-10 was useless, gave a false sense of accomplishment for bad players and was unnecessary. But I’ve only seen that on the forums.

What Blizz did listen to, were the people whining that Heroics and M0 were useless and not challenging enough. So they deleted 2-10, made M0 the equivalent of 10, did nothing to Heroics to make them more difficult and now… those same people who whined that M0 wasn’t challenging enough don’t run M0, because they can’t finish it.

Blizz also wanted to cut down on the number of key levels to ensure there’s a smaller range to make it easier to find groups.


It still is. When people are getting 4 and 5 cloaks a week or 4 and 5 trinkets a week from Delves… it does nothing to highly impact M+.

I’ve never seen anyone who does high keys ask for this. In fact, they usually trash talk anyone who mentions that their key bracket was deleted. Apparently we’re the whiners who suck at the game.

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I dont deny that there are people who want to do it, thats not really the issue with it.

Its that doing Raid, for the purpose of gearing, is dead and has been for a very very long time. The only reason you do raiding anymore, is to fish for trinkets that are typically BiS and held hostage by raid.

I agree. Makes me think those type of players that say that are outright lying.

But do people do that? Just go on the internet and lie?

They did the same thing in cata, they complained about how heroics in WotLK were to easy and they wanted them to be hard agian, and need things like CC.
Blizzard listened to them.
They reverted the difficulty changes like 2 week into cata because everyone was failing them.

Because most people who do high keys dont really care one way or the other, it would be like why would a mythic raider care about what they do to LFR?

But the problem is that the squish effected a lot of people who enjoyed doing the mid key range and even low key range to acquire their gear. Many people found those areas fun to do, and now got kicked in the teeth and in some cases are non existant anymore, and the general response to that, espeically from the people who are championing delves is “LOL Sucks for you just do delve” which i find really funny because when they were told Hey try harder grouped content they raged and screamed. Difference is, their content they were doing was never gutted or removed, it was jsut expanded on.

Since then, the developers have added new ways to play the game and progress your character. Raiding for the purpose of gearing has never gone away simply because, like you said, there are pieces unique to the raids, and as I said earlier, raiding has been more consistent with dropping what you want for a BiS list than hoping RNG favors you in your vault.

Considering there’s more raid groups running normal right now than heroics, I don’t see why having more options is a bad thing. Why should you be pigeon-holed into doing only normal raids to progress your character? M+ just simply offers a different avenue of progress if that’s what someone prefers.

Saying raiding has been ‘gutted’ or that raiding in any form is ‘dead’ just seems like such a weird exaggeration.

I was pretty ticked about that. My guild finished them before the nerfs and we had a blast.

Ah, I see what you’re getting at now. Yeah, this affected my guild. So we were relegated to Delves now.

Which… when I mentioned this in another thread… I got told we’re all just bad and want to whine. :expressionless: