There's no end to it

The joke is the pun. The declaration is the vehicle the pun is a passenger on. Good lord.


For me it was Arena that ruined PVP, but that was TBC.

BTW, I happen to be a school teacher and newsflash, kids say much much worse things than a dwarf on WOW. IDK if you live under a rock but kids are aware of things that I didn’t know about when I was in high school. In other words what you find offensive in WOW is nothing compared to what kids see on Tik Tok, Instagram, Youtube and today’s music.


I would point out that the T Rating includes crude humor. The vast majority of flirts by themselves are harmless. They aren’t things I’d say. But they are harmless.

And if someone starts sexually harassing you, you should report it.

I personally do respect your opinion on the removal, even if I disagree.


Blizz is out of touch, we have to accept that. Radical leftists have infilitrated and begun pushing their agenda from the top down.

The game and community that we knew and enjoyed is almost completely gone.


Because there are things in life worth worrying about and I don’t think the person I quoted has figured that out yet.

You do understand that his whole philosophy is that he’s the one who’s correct, right? He’s arguing against what you suggested, without any credit given to the potential that his desire could be hurting others.

He’s just mad about something and trying to use sub loss as a justification for leaving things in the game that someone obviously doesn’t want there.

He’s mad that the game catered to someone who isn’t him and he’s having a bit of a tantrum, like a lot of posters in this thread.


Irrelevant to the message it sends to the employees.

I genuinely hope that everyone who thinks like this leaves and never comes back.


You obviously lack the understanding to realize why people are mad.

How do you think the Resident Evil fanbase would react if they suddenly made it a PG rated game and removed/censored all depictions of violence?

You think theyd just happily go along with it?


I agree, they are working hard to make WOW so lame that no one who played in the early years will stick with it.



I kind of agree, and I don’t believe sub numbers are down because they took out /spit or a dwarf joke. Subs are down because this game feels like a job more than a game, that and other things.

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Actually, I have far bigger concerns than what Blizzard is doing.

I’m more worried about Afghanistan and COVID at the moment. But luckily, I can be worried about multiple things at the same time and talk about all of them.

I do believe I’m correct. I also believe that other people are entitled to their opinions, and I’ve said as much in this thread.

But keep strawmanning my actual position. It really helps your case.


It’s actually amusing so many people are saying it’s the radical left that are doing these things. I am old enough to remember when it was the right, conservatives and the religious folks who censored everything, and the classic liberals, like me, fought for our right to not be censored.

Whole world has gone topside down.


Aww boo hoo, your leftist agenda got criticized. Everyone with a brain can see how politics is effecting the changes that Blizz has made in recent years.

Looks like most people don’t seem to care for it either.


Yes Grumbles, you figured it out.

All of his voice over lines were removed and replaced because there were contractual issues, scheduling, and/or salary disputes and Blizzard, in their never ending battle of maintaining continuity, decided to rerecord all of his lines from previously in addition to replacing it for the Classic version on top of it.

And this all went down, by sheer coincidence, in the same timeframe as he was accused of grooming a minor.

This all passes the sniff test.



This is the takeaway of that. Everything’s backwards now and will be again. We’re stuck in a perpetual double helix.

I would argue that its not any “one thing” its just that the current team is so bad at telling a story and making engaging content that people no longer have anything to draw them away from the little crap.

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Patronus, I got raped and I do not wish some dwarf in WoW to make me have PTSD like flashbacks as they’re just trying to be funny. I also don’t want a game to tell people harassment is flirting. Is that asking too much and if you don’t care at all, why are you so fiercely arguing nothing about this game should’ve been changed?

Whether you’re a teacher or not doesn’t matter and it also really doesn’t matter if kids say worse things to each other. I’ll never understand people going “aww well the world already sucks, let’s add some more bad stuff to it cause what does it matter?”

I want to add that I didn’t ask for them to remove anything. I simply watched and I’m happy about some of the changes while others don’t upset me but feel redundant.


So you are 80+ years old? The left has been in control of hollywood and the media for at least the past 60 years.

Btw the right never censored anything to the extent of what we are seeing now, a handful of conservative moms never had that kind of power.

The left has big tech, media, hollywood, the white house, ect working in conjunction to censor whatever they want.

Not even REMOTELY comparable to the strawman argument you just made of “but the right does it too!!”.