There's no end to it

Didn’t start out frustrated.

No, but I’m very sad that Pandaren can’t say “Nice pants, what’s the drop rate?” It was funny.

Sometimes I wonder if people even bother to read the threads they post on.

I cited three things:

  • These latest changes
  • The sexual abuse scandal that was almost enough on it’s own
  • And three bad expansions in relatively short succession.

The latest changes just happen to be the most recent so they got the focus.


How would you feel if that painting wasn’t changed or removed. Or emote for that matter?

Has anyone said it yet? World of Wokecraft


I wouldn’t care, change it or remove it, i don’t care either way

I respect that! Live and let live, props to you amigo!

VERY sad.

That sounds…very sad.

Are you really making the argument that I didn’t know about /spit, /fart, or /moon?

I’ve used /spit for years whenever the opposite faction would pull an add out from under me.


It’s a pun. So what? Is there something wrong with not being homogenized?

Literally shaking in fact. Don’t forget literally shaking.

Notice how you deflected from the crux of my point to make silly statements about one particular sentence. Nice work. :+1:


No its not quitting over “this” its quitting over the bs stream thats been coming from Blizzard for years now and finally hitting “f it”
The problem is as they continue…there will be more and more of these as they crap on what the game “was” for what some in the game want it to be.


Don’t bother.

These people can’t bother to consider that people could actually get frustrated and threaten to quit on the public forums where people are directed to do so.

You can blame the trolls that do it for attention I suppose.


Why is that sad, just like you he has a right to his opinion. Like why do you care? Were you for these changes?


I’ll let you figure out what the reference is before you make yourself look worse.

Video games have as much of an influence on people as anything else they spend lots of time with does.

I fail to understand why you think a 13 year old should read a line promoting intoxicating and sexually assaulting someone in a video game. Or a line that suggests all that matters about women are their oral skills or looks.

I don’t understand some of the other changes though they don’t upset me either. As for most of the flirts that got removed, the removal is 100% justified.


There is literally nothing wrong with saying you’re not a homosexual.


Good. I hope they whitewash this entire game. You people haven’t cared a wink about the nightmare of PVP, I hope this game becomes as edgy as a Mormon Pancake Breakfast.

  • Stop the Nightelf Women from Bouncing
  • Remove jokes period
  • Permenant shirts and pants on all toons
  • Remove the references to booze of all kinds

You get what you deserve.


Not on sane people, if people take a video game seriously then they shouldn’t be playing. And if it isn’t WOW unhinged people will find something else to imitate, my son played GTA when he was 8. He is now enrolled at UTEP and woking on his doctorates and is to be married this summer.

Personally, I could care less (for the most part) on what they take out of the game. What scares me is, when does it end?


PVP died when they introduced BGs.

There is literally something wrong with making a joke that adamantly pushes the fact that they’re not.

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And now I’ll live to see everything you love turn to ash