Okay, enough. I’m actually reaching the point where I can’t take it anymore.
You took our jokes. Why? They weren’t that bad. Are you going to replace them? Probably not.
You took our funny puns and innuendo. I get that many of them are juvenile, but come on. They are so minor.
I guess “consort” is an offensive word now, because you’re retconning lore for no apparent reason.
You removed interactions with negative emotes. Goodness forbid somebody fart.
You removed the charm from key moments in Warcraft history. Because burning well over a thousand citizens (including children) and animals alive and damning them to the Maw is acceptable, but the b-word is just a tad too far, eh?
Even referencing the idea of curse words is too far for you. You do realize this game is rated T right?
And what takes the cake - you’ll replace Kael’thas’ voice actor for allegations that are, in comparison to what can be laid at your feet, minor. Now I’m not defending what he did, or saying that he’s innocent. But I am saying that what has gone in your company is a thousand times worse, and you’ve cut ties with employees for far less.
I’ve tolerated a lot. I stayed through Warlords of Draenor, I stayed through Battle for Azeroth. I was willing to stay through Shadowlands, purely out of my love for what this game was and can be. My friend, rightfully, pointed out how silly that was. And I was already thinking that I wouldn’t stay through another BfA or SL. The storywriting has been worse in the last few years than it has been in prior expansions, and as a roleplayer it drove me nuts. But I tolerated it, purely out of my love for this game. I was willing to continue giving Blizzard my business despite the sexual abuse allegations, because I knew the actions of a few did not represent the many.
At every turn, I have tried to just let it go. Many of these things, aside from the sexual abuse, are decidedly minor on their own, and that’s why I could. But they just pile up, and pile up, and pile up. And every time I think it will stop, it doesn’t.
I just can’t put up with this anymore. You don’t know when to stop, but I do. If this continues, I will walk.