There's no end to it

Well, they certainly lust after the contents of the wallets, there’s no doubt about that…

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I feel your pain bro, but this is the society we now live in, where everything is racist, sexist, or evil. Nothing is safe from censorship when you have people with nothing better to do than find something to be offended about.


Yeah we’re snowflakes for thinking it’s absolutely moronic to sanitize the game of anything even SLIGHTLY lewd while ignoring the genocide and mass murder that happens pretty much constantly in the game.

Murder, torture, maiming and all that is FIIIINE. Show a bit too much skin? Make even the slightest off-color remark? GONE. GET OUT. NEVER COME BACK.


It isn’t but it is a slippery slope that will lead to more things and that is what scares me.


It isn’t even a slippery slope anymore. The slope has been slippery for at least a year.

Now we’re at a breakneck pace


Oh I’m very serious about this.

I’m not some new random person making jokes. I’ve been around here a while.


So many people are absolutely losing their you know what over this stuff that I’m starting to almost feel like something must be wrong with ME for not having a problem with any of it. None of this stuff is an issue for me!

Do I need to seek help? Am I broken?

Is there an armchair psychologist in the house…?!?



There is nothing wrong with you, if anything you are a normal hard working person who has real issues to worry about, you good amigo!


Wokeness has no end until it controls every.last.aspect of your life.


I mean you very much are, though.

And you’re not gonna quit, at least not over this.

Believe what you want. I’d hoped the fact that I actually post here semi-often would make you stop and consider that, hey, maybe I’m serious. But if you think I’m lying, I really don’t care.


How sensitive are you that you can’t deal with a couple of changes that don’t impact your at all

Can you be specific about what changes you are referring to?

“Doesn’t impact me.”

Yes, them removing things that I find funny totally doesn’t affect me.

Them removing interactions with emotes I’ve been known to use totally doesn’t affect me either.

Them putting out constant poor expacs where they ignore player feedback until the last minute doesn’t affect me either. Goodness forbid all of this builds up to the point where I’m very frustrated.

You sure hit the nail on the head. Golly gee, there’s nothing for me to be frustrated about.



As someone who was sexually assaulted after getting roofied, I don’t find a dwarf joking about intoxicating someone else so they’ll get intimate with them funny OR okay as part of a game for teenagers (or anyone really).

There are exactly three flirts that really upset me, but even with most of the other ones, I get why they removed them, because they aren’t FLIRTS. If you said most of those lines to a stranger in real life it could easily be viewed as sexual harassment, so given what happened at their company I understand why they want them gone. Flirting isn’t saying something that’ll inevitably make the other person feel uncomfortable when they don’t know you.

I get the argument that using some of the lines that got removed on someone who isn’t a stranger is funny, but the second you use them on a stranger they’re nothing but creepy.

Don’t think all changes are great; don’t find all of the removed lines (potentially) offensive, but for the most part I wouldn’t want my potential future son to learn that THAT stuff is what flirting is supposed to look like.


What have you lost? Explain to someone who can’t understand how you’re so emotionally affected by these changes.

Is the game really worse now because you can’t say “Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.”

Or is this a case of ‘mah freedumbs.’

You think this game is struggling because of the removal of potty humor, and not because the designers have implemented crappy grinds through atrociously layered systems in bland zones with poor rewards?

Sounds like you’ve really got your finger on the pulse.


Changing painting you’ve never seen or changing emotes you didn’t know existed are different than churning out crap expansions. Stop playing the victim to things that don’t matter homie.


The consorts thing confuses me. If I say that the term is offensive to women (which is dubious) the Thunder King is a villain, he lead an empire that enslaved the pandaren. Why do we look to him as a role model? Who cares if he has a ‘harem’ or whatever, I don’t even think Mogu reproduce that way, they just build more of themselves.

While I feel heartbroken for what happened to you, you have to understand it is a video game. And if your son isn’t smart enough to realize this is a game and wouldn’t be appropriate in real life well then your son isn’t very smart.


Haven’t lost anything, I still play going to do Rateds tonight. With that said when does it end? Another point is that it seems like the people doing this will never be happy, they will always find something to be offended by and that is scary for me.

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