There's no end to it


Keep practicing your trolling… maybe someday you’ll be good at it.

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85% of systemslands buyers quit wow before the harassment and workplace lawsuits

Borrowed power design is killing wow, but making a ton of cash shop gold sales to make up the lost revenue

As for bliz making wow more g rated, could care less but the community is super toxic and was much in need of better moderation

These woke and less competent devs simply do not represent most of the players anymore.

I hate the route that they are taking the game down.


Sounds like information to me but hey…

There is an obvious connection. Man accused of crime and man fired. The obvious connection I am making is that he was removed because the company wanted to distance themselves from him. What’s not obvious connection is to say man wore a hat today so he was fired. My connection is still speculation but you cannot pretend that the former doesn’t have a logical premise to it.

You are speculating on the premise that we may not have all the information, of which you have no basis for, whereas I am speculating based on the information we have. That does not mean that I am definitely right, but as you have already admitted my thought process does have a basis rooted in reality. The fundamental flaw of your logic is that it has no definitive conclusion. You will never know if you have every fact at your disposal.

In the same way if one finds out their boss was accused of sexual harassment and within a week the company puts out a statement saying he has left to pursue other interests it is not unfair to assume those accusations led to his downfall.

But hey if you ever walk into the store and see a man with a mask running out with a bag of cash with an employee yelling STOP THAT MAN be sure to do nothing about it because you may not have the complete picture. Maybe it’s a training exercise.

“We also want players to be able to express themselves through their characters, so we don’t intend to change existing player looks or cosmetics. Instead, we want to ensure that we’re offering a wide range of options for players to represent themselves.”

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I believe Blizzard when they say that they won’t remove any existing player options, but I’ll also confess that I’m pretty skeptical that we’ll see any new skimpy transmogs options in the future.


ok. bye. lol

if yall are this unhappy about some totally meaningless crap getting removed, just leave. no need to threaten it, just do it

They know it would death sentence if they did that.

I’d much rather that they just stop now. It’s overboard.

If you don’t agree, fine. I respect your opinion.

and i’m sure we’re all aware that’s not going to happen

Yep. So now I’m getting louder

There is an end to it for me. Got like three months left on my sub and I’m out. I’m just done with this.


lol ok. good luck with that. the devs couldnt care less what you all think of the changes since they’re not doing it for you

A fairly sizeable group of people are leaving over this. They’ll listen to their wallet.

Or I’ll separate myself from a game that’s gone far too downhill, and never come back. Either way, I’ll be free of it.

I don’t want to leave but there’s a difference between making reasonable changes everybody can agree on, and giving an entire chunk of their subscribers the finger (as they have done for multiple expansions now anyway).

If nothing else, I hope you can see where I’m coming from. :slight_smile:

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we’ll see

no, i don’t. for once i really dont. i can’t even empathize with any of yall. for one of the first times in ~15 years i’m subbed and barely paying attention to the forums because i’m so sick of all the pointless whining. i just hope the devs keep doing whatever it is they want to do to make the game a better place for them and drown out all the complaining

No there is not.

He was not fired. He was hired and paid for the first round of dialogue then for the second was not hired again. Those are two different things.

For all you know, he was not available for the second round of recording and the director for the session said let’s make it consistent. It really could be that simple. Or it could be because Blizzard wanted to distance themselves. You do not know.

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That’s a shame. You’ve been pretty reasonable in the past. Ah well.

Just a thought though - it completely matters that employees are comfortable at their workplace. But their fans have to play their game just as much as they have to work on it. We have to play in the same space, so to speak. There needs to be a middle ground on some of these changes, and that’s not being used. Instead a very large part of the population is complaining about these changes (to the point where my OP is upvoted by forum regulars on both sides of the political spectrum), and all Blizzard has done is given us the finger.


How to remove all the good will you earned for the patch in six easy steps.

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While that is a great sigh of relief, I can’t help but be slightly skeptic at the choice of words used, particularly…

This wording leaves it open to that if they decide to, technically they wouldn’t be going back on their word.


Like I said there’s will be a massive backlash and it make people to quit if they did that. I know ton women who played this love their bikini armor set because it’s makes their character attractive.