There's no end to it

I have been looking at these posts throughout the weeks but have been relatively quiet when it comes to this subject. Here’s my two cents…

I personally think all of this is stupid. Its wasted development time, its not really an issue and it doesn’t change their behavior in office which is the concern and cause of all of this to begin with. All these changes to me feel like they are trying to save face in the courts and say “Hey look at all these things we are doing in our game to combat harassment (even though its not changing any real company policy)”. I feel like any honest judge / jury will throw this out as meaningless changes and all they are doing is pissing off some of the players who enjoy their game.

With that being said will I quit over this? Probably not. The only thing that I enjoy doing in this game is raiding and M+. I enjoy the company of my guild and the content we do. If i were to lose my guild or just not enjoy the raiding then i would probably bail.

Honestly to me 9.1.5 has more positives than negatives because it is fixing the biggest issue i had with this game (especially as a mage who raids) which was the covenant swapping restrictions.

I doubt it. I think they know if they let the devs go for the skimpy mogs there will be a massive outrage.

We’ll see.

The changes they’re making now are the testing grounds for said outrage. When they first made a few changes like removing /spit in TBC everyone said it wouldn’t happen to retail.

Slippery slope.

It won’t happen suddenly. They’ll creep towards this direction & when they finally come for the mogs you’ll just roll over & accept it because you(the community) will be used to these types of changes by then.

Then the same people who said it wouldn’t happen, will defend blizs decision to why it happened. Similar to what you’re seeing now.


I’ve played wow since 2007, I play for at least 8 hours a day, I’ve been on 3 of my 5 accounts since 7pm (almost bedtime!) and I have no intentions of ever quitting nor would I want wow to go away.

However there is a dark little corner of me that would like to see wow shutdown due to player loss because of these changes simply because it would bring me great pleasure knowing that the devs have to live knowing they destroyed a game because of their stupid little sensitivities :laughing: And knowing what I know about people like that I’m sure they wouldn’t care but it would still bring me endless jollies to know they know they did it



Lmao $40 for a few hundred hours of gameplay vs a recurring sub for an outdated game where your only attachment is the memories you made a decade ago? In a direct comparison NW absolutely respects it’s customers more than this game.

Congrats on being the millionth person to make a “corporations are evil” point though I guess

If we’re doing that go ahead and ditch your phone though, kids are dying to mine the precious metals they use to make them. Hahahahaha?

Imma be real with you… I’m in the same boat and this sentiment is only increasing as time and this nonsense goes on…


You can’t just say “Go play New World”

Now, this is all based on hearsay as I haven’t played it (nor will I) but from what I’ve heard, New World is a WPVP and Crafting focused game, let’s see I hate pvp and don’t care about crafting :laughing:

People say give FFXIV a try, it has a much better story than wow. Now from what I’ve heard about FFXIV as I haven’t played it (nor will I) FFXIV does have an awesome story and lots of cut scenes and little read alongs but the problem with that is idc about story :man_shrugging:

Wow might not be great to you and that’s cool, no game is great for everyone and people should play what they enjoy. For some people (like myself) Wow is their last MMO, I’m not playing another one of these again :laughing:


Tbh same, but I just enjoy watching things burn

I know some things need to be changed but why are they punishing the player? We’re not the ones that need the change,some people are being reflective.


We’ll have to agree to disagree.

I think it’s funny.

they said they won’t because they know that outrage will make WoD flight removal look like nothing.

Do you mind providing the source to this? - as I don’t recall this being said, at all.

However, if you think provocative attire isn’t on the chopping block when they’re going on a rampage to remove everything else in that category…Just don’t be shocked when it happens.

Sorry… I’m too busy laughing at you still. It’s been a long night.

Amazon respecting its customers (chuckle).

I certainly wouldn’t quit playing just due to the “sanitizing” of all the charm the game had left, no matter how stupid and offensive the changes are to me.

However, given the state of the game as a whole, it may well be the feather that breaks this camel’s back.

You know, I always knew WoW would die one day. I just never realized it would be like this.
(New World looking awful good about now.)

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I don’t know if it will or won’t, but I think we’ve known for a long time that it would never be another MMO that would kill WoW, only Blizzard would be able to do that.

It’s pretty sad that a game made by AMAZON is looking more fun than WoW has been. I used to look forward to the times I could sit down and play WoW in the day, but now I just dread thinking of what new thing is going to be removed that I used to enjoy.


I unsubbed today. I can’t take this crap writing team who can’t even keep the story straight. They retcon so much and change the very fabric of the history of Warcraft. This sanitation of slightly crude humor in jokes, emotes, items and npc names is just the tip of the iceberg.

The game is starting to reach the drain in the spiral it has been on. The lack of real meaningful content, the cheap patches that don’t really amount to anything. The “systems” that they keep adding to make this game more as a daily chore than something I can just log on to for fun.

No you can’t have my gold. It’s paying for my characters’ funerals.


Lmao is that what you were doing when you typed haha over and over in all caps? I wasn’t clear on that.

Any corporation respecting it’s customers over the bottom line I think is what you’re trying to say, but keep holding on to your virtual plushy toys :joy:

Probably gonna be following you on that unsub soon here. I always used to hear people say ‘Blizzard hates fun’ but this removal of everything from actual funny jokes, to emotes, to PAINTINGS has been going way above and beyond that.