There's no end to it

I agree 100%. However, the changes currently being made aren’t being made for the player base but for the employees/devs internally within the company due to the harassment allegations.

Either Ion get his act together and get this situation under control or we just force them to their act together.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

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Well, don’t say some of us didn’t warn of this nonsense. It’s pure gold to watch play out as their company continues to self implode. :rofl:

Hear that in the distance? It’s as if the cries of 10,000 Velf and Belf players were screaming in agony and were suddenly silenced. :scream:

That is how Blizzard see us as players. “Walking Wallets.”

To crush Blizzards ego pride all we need to do is close our wallets to them. Then if enough people leave the game Blizzard will have to humble themselves.

Were not walking wallets. Were people we play the game to have fun. When fun is gone so is our wallets.


You cannot remove /walletclosed emote can you blizzard?

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Hey now you know how people feel that have had to deal with it for as long as Blizzard has been. Couple things here and there, no biggie just harmless fun. Then it piles up and piles up until it’s in their face at every turn.

Empathy, try some.


Just like every company that’s ever existed.

Sure, if enough of you actually quit over this, it’ll do something.

Something tells me you won’t, though.

WoW is garbage and your life will be better without being addicted to a time gated game that they purposely designed to make you chase the dragon.



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No one cares what you think, stop with your asinine posts.


Mute me if you can’t come up with an intelligent response.

This does seem to be getting slightly out of hand, in my opinion. Some of the ones removed…I get it. They are a little bit excessive. Others…relatively harmless by most standards. All in all I think it’s probably just part of a larger effort to make themselves look good before going to court. lol I guess on the plus side they left most of the good ones intact. Small victories!

All you do is yell at people and say things that are absurd, go watch anime or do something so you are not so angry all the time, my god get a life.


Still waiting for that intelligent response. I’m sure you’ll come up with one any day now.

Or, again, you could just mute me if my posts make you this salty.

A response to what! It is impossible to respond to you name calling and making claims without evidence. Like why are you even on this thread? Even those I disagree with are taking some sort of stand, you on the other hand just yell at people, my god stop being so angry.

Lol that’s a new one. I’m sure you can point out where I did that.

You say as one of the mouthbreathers getting mad that you can’t fart on people

You sided with someone about a flirt emote in the game being the same as sexual assault. I asked you several times for proof and I quote you said


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Censorship never ends until they have full control of everything you see and do.


Go back and read that again, because that is not what happened.

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OMG, get Hooked on Phonics. I clearly stated I could care less about the emotes.