There's no end to it

That’s so conservative

the issue is more than just a select few quests or emotes. more a culmination of many things over the last few years with this being the cherry on top. being seen more as a signaling of things to come if they are so bent out of shape about obscure things from 17 years ago then it doesnt seem to bode well for the future of wow’s content. the game going from something many have enjoyed for nearly 2 decades by some…being taken away. gotta make everything safe a bubble wrapped because some random somebody might possibly consider thinking about maybe being offended otherwise

Well you certainly can’t fight fire with fire. Thoughtful discussion changes minds, name-calling hardens them

no it isn’t. I am anything but conservative . stop tying to make this political … it is not . this is not about left vs right. I just refuse to lower myself to other peoples standards

It’ll go beyond that at some point

They’ve forgotten their game is rated T for Teens and are going so far as to remove stuff we’ve had in game since Vanilla that has never got complaints. It’s…so depressing…the game’s probably going to die if they go too much crazier with these purges. The second everything I love about the game is removed I’ve got no reason to keep going…already been abandoned by all my friends who play this game. They’re taking away my favorite jokes and puns from the tauren…even the not so crazy stuff from the pandas… on top of all the other crap… idk how much more I can take. I hope half if not all these emote and such changes are a joke. If not…I’m going to end up breaking my sister’s heart telling her that I ended up quitting because Blizzard sucked everything I enjoyed from the game

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Could be the case. Until then, we need to sway what minds we can

Boobs and flirting is shameful and needs to be removed!!!
-someone who is mistaken as a liberal

stop trying to make this political. you are not helping when you do. this is not left vs right. many people here are left aka liberal and are against it.

Don’t tell me to stop anything. Are you my parent? ((Better Edit and censor that, i’ll be banned)). lol

and did you even read lol, I’m saying people blame them. I’m liberal too, not left though.

And Im going to edit a reply one more time because you’re so ignorant. Liberals do not equal “left” Jesus, go to school.

sorry i did miss read that. to many stop being (enter left or right here remarks) today.

most people fail to understand there is a difference between just left/right and the radical of either. in a time where “im the loudest and therefore the rightest!” is standard, it’s no surprise most associate the fringe groups of both as the whole of either

It’s not my theory, it’s yours. You are the one who chose to offer up other random ideas as to why he was replaced in such a strong armed fashion despite no information supporting it. You claim it’s all just guesswork yet you are the one who offers up pure conjecture. You are the most speculative person here because nothing you offered up has been suggested by anyone but you.

I am also speculative, but what I am willing to speculate on is based on what information we have been given. That is to say that I am capable of observing that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck that I have likely seen a duck. You, on the other hand, offer up alternatives that have no supporting evidence which means you aren’t even arguing that maybe it’s some other sort of bird, but that maybe it’s actually a snake.

If what I’ve been reading elsewhere is true, can we get the devs some therapy instead of taking this stuff out of the game?


WHy I am in single player a lot more.

I can always count on the raiders of fallout to be not nice.

They want to kill me for gear and caps to buy more chems. And because they are violent psycho’s. Them not using bad words would be really out of place there.

Warhammer 40k rts also hit up in retro times. Hey space marine…tell me what you think about these here orcs on this world.

well…their mere existence is a disgrace and an affront to all we hold dear. One green skin on this blessed world is 1 too many.

side note of in real life I am not really racist. Or I am really bad at it. Since my wife is Japanese. Making my son half Japanese since that is how that works. Both parents contribute genetic material in the process you see.

Fantasy and irl…they can be separated. Really, they can. Some need to try that lol.


I truly wish the devs were as forwards with other decisions as they are with this. But hey stuff like having COMMUNICATION isnt important to them They follow a simple cycle

  • Is the community outraged? > Yes > Promise communication, communicate until outrage dies down, stop completely.

  • Is the community outraged? > No > Do nothing.

This is basically part of the Narcisstic abuse cycle. The irony of “Blizzard” and the devs continuing with this practice really shouldnt be surprising. Its almost like they dont practice what they preach.

And that goes for the devs too.


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No it’s not.

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Except you have been given no information. At all.

You know the dialogue was replaced. You know it was around the same time as accusations were made. You chose to connect the two without having any proof of a connection.

Look at “James and the Giant Peach” - after the film was completed a studio executive decided they wanted Richard Dreyfuss instead of Fischer Stevens as one of the voices. So the dialogue was complete rerecorded. It had nothing to do with the actor. The situation could be that simple - or you could be right. We just don’t know.


…aaaand we passed the line of spinelessness and now it is honestly just pathetic…

They’re coming for the mogs next, mark my words.

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