It’s the nature of things now.
Just own up to being a heel. You’ll constantly be on defense with these people if you keep trying to explain things you never said.
It’s the nature of things now.
Just own up to being a heel. You’ll constantly be on defense with these people if you keep trying to explain things you never said.
what about the one reducing women to oral skills or the tauren one reducing women to their looks or the draenei one that very obviously alludes to the noises of oral etc.?
I mean, I know people keep bringing up the T rated argument, but the thing is T includes 13 year olds in the same way it includes 16 and 18 year olds and personally, I don’t really like the idea of 13 year olds being exposed to that EVEN IF they get exposed to similar or worse things elsewhere.
Just my opinion though.
“Keep changing things and I will walk!”
makes another change
“I mean it!”
makes another change
“I really mean it this time!”
makes another change
This is what is called ‘calling your bluff.’ They are going to make the changes they want to make no matter how much you stomp your feet and hold your subscription over a ledge.
The blue post seemed to be made specifically to explain why our input wasn’t being requested.
But it was clear they are seeing what people are saying.
Hopefully they’ll keep in mind that many of us are good with their changes and support them.
If you were to check my posts, this is the first (and only time) I will threaten to walk. I’m not bluffing.
There is sexuality every where in the world. there are more of those kind of jokes with in TV shows/ Movies / and general content on the internet as a whole. Yes it is taking it too far. trying to remove all sexuality from the game would just detract from the game as a whole. as a whole under the official rating of T for Teens is strong sexual content . perhaps it should then be pushed to update what T for Teens covers. I personal have talked to my kids about sex and all that. by that age they should be informed already. If a parent is not ok with their kid knowing or reading it . then they should not let their kid play the game
I’m completely fine with sexuality. I just have an issue with making teenagers think lines that would rightfully be called sexual harassment in real life if you said them to a stranger are funny “flirts” (which of course I don’t mean every single flirt that got removed with that, but for many of them I do believe it’s good they got removed.)
You’re literally in a guild called ‘Hit It N Crit It’ lmao
This is the blatant hypocrisy that makes a lot of these changes seem insulting to the player base.
these flirts are supposed to be funny because they are what you are not supposed to do. it is something drunk moron would try in a bar. If teens think this is ok then they have not be taught basic social how too skills and what not to do. you want something that teaches teens the wrong way of doing things look at adult videos and the number who think that is how things work
No, I don’t. Not after it has been sold. That’s vandalism. They make way too many changes as it is, citing “live service” as an excuse. Utilities are live services too, but Potomac Edison doesn’t get to send a rep to break into my house and adjust my thermostat because they don’t like the way I enjoy my air conditioning.
A quote comes to mind.
“Do you want your children safe, or strong?”
That isn’t, by any stretch of imagination, my attempt to belittle the actual terrible things that we don’t want people exposed to. But this isn’t it. The flirts in WoW are not intended to be callbacks or encouragements to sexual assault.
Teenagers growing up playing WoW aren’t, as a result of these flirts or jokes, going to decide that sexual harassment is okay. Our entire society is retooling itself to discourage it, and a child socialized correctly will not engage in that behavior. Such a child is intelligent enough to realize the difference between a harmless joke online and harmful behavior in person. I certainly was.
These flirts and jokes, even if they offend people, aren’t actually dangerous and are decidedly minor compared to what’s out there. And people don’t get stronger by avoiding things that make them uncomfortable, but by willingly confronting them. You have to be able to tolerate a certain level of inhospitable-ness when going through your life, because you will be exposed to these things.
And so, while I completely respect your opinion on these changes, I completely disagree that the solution is to just get rid of the jokes and flirts. The correct answer is to leave them, and instead make sure that kids understand why these things are wrong. Because otherwise they will gain these influences elsewhere, outside your control.
This is what i have been trying to say . but lacked of words at the time .
Guess you should have clicked no on that user agreement. Mistakes were made
This, 100% this. They can make this a safe space for all. I got 15 days left. I’m sad it ended this way. Fake is not safe.
I am going to say no to this because that is wrong. Trying to make the game safe by making if Fake … does not make it safe at all. it is important to our ground when stuff is pushed to far. it is the only way to make gaming as a whole a better place. You want to know why people are push against Garlam, me and many more. because people keep rolling over and not standing their ground . So they have learned if they are just louder than everyone else then they will just win. that will kill the game. I personally don’t want that . is the game in a bad place at the moment yes. can it be fixed most certainly . Rolling over and just taking what is pushed on us because it fits the social standard of a small few … is not the way to do it
there IS a way to disable emote sounds… people would rather have everythign bend to their will instead.
http s://gyazo. com/b200cd4d51694fad6882b969b76f2616
System > Sounds > Emote Sounds
Lol I’m not saying roll over at all
I’m saying just be a bad guy and stay on the offensive. Screw it, they hate you anyway.
Because then we would be no better than the trolls and those who actively seek conflict to make things worse for all. I personally am not ok with that route