There's no end to it

Some of this I understood, like twin consorts or big love rocket possibly being fuel for sexual predators at blizzard to use towards employees at the company but changing dialogue between sylvanas and garrosh and removing Ymirons quote makes absolutely no sense to me. What did those two things have to do with any of this?

When the devs make changes like that, it becomes obvious that they’re pushing an agenda rather than just removing things that had to do with problem people at blizz. Pushing your personal agenda is a horrible way to go about developing WoW or any game really, keep that (mostly) out of the game. I don’t play to hear about the developers need for inclusivity, I play because it’s a fantasy game and an outlet from real world issues. Their need for inclusivity is just removing a ton of stuff rather than actually adding to the game, the only positive instance has been the incubus so far.

Well obviously not all “leftists” support this. I think most people are pretty centered and just have different views on some core principals, but ultimately can coexist. That’s why I say “extremism”. Sure they aren’t doing obviously crazy stuff, but this is how they get ya. They strip away all your culture, art, identity, and diversity to bring in their nutty homogenized commie 1 world order. All while telling you their changes are for safety, acceptance, tolerance etc. It’s all BS. And of course their useful idiot foot soldiers don’t know what they are doing. They are too small brain to see a bigger picture or get out of their own way. They just do what twitter tells them to do.

I am feeling a bit sorry for not being more understanding about how you feel about the changes. I recall how you’ve been such a reasonable person, genuinely nice person from my experience with you.


So if you got accused of the things in the lawsuit you wouldn’t delete a line that talks about using alcohol to make people sleep with you? That’s one of the flirts and it’s pretty clear why they removed it imo.

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Gordon Ramsay: I can bear the embarrassment no longer. Shut it down.

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next xpac should be interesting now that anything slightly offensive is banned in game. they remove all these jokes but the biggest joke is how bad shadowlands is. one patch in an entire year and the next patch is nothing but censorship and legion content.

cant wait to play endwalker though!

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Unsubbed, but not even going to get into another game. There’s nothing out there I’m interested in.

Semper Fi! :us:

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I have stuck with the game through everything and I probably will until the servers are forced to shut down at some point. It is upsetting they keep removing things, tons are exceptionally minor and not helping anyone. I get the argument that removing some of it might make the dev team feel ‘safer’ but until these court cases are resolved, no one is truly “safe”.

I plan to remain in the game until it ceases to exist entirely, through every good and bad expansion, it matters not. This game is like a second home to me after playing for 17 years this year. Leaving is actually harder than some people seem to understand, and I don’t even want to anyways.


that is not the only one removed . there are a bunch that don’t match that . Since part of the dwarf culture is drinking , I never took that flirt that way. but that one yes i could see people taking the wrong way

You alt-righters really are so dramatic

I can understand removing jokes like “Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.” I don’t like that they removed lines like “Nice pants, what’s the drop rate?” The former is potentially harmful (though I confess the joke went clean over my head). The latter is distasteful and not something I’d say, but it is funny. I don’t believe those sorts of flirts/jokes were intended to be harmful, and I don’t believe leaving them in harms the game.

I don’t understand changing the “Twin Consorts” or the Big Love Rocket. I strongly disliked the removal of Garrosh’s use of the b-word, because I felt it lent strong emotion and punch to the scene.

I can understand some (but not all) of the negative emote changes, and I can understand the removal of Kael’thas’ voice actor, but I do believe they jumped the gun on the latter.

But here’s the thing - I can handle these changes individually. I have protested each because I disagree with each, but I can understand other people feeling differently. I could let it go if they at least dialed back on some of these. I can go halfway on many of these. But we’ve been completely ignored when I (or others) protest these changes, and so I feel like I have no say. So now I’m very frustrated.


But your opinion doesn’t match theirs so your opinion doesn’t matter.

Semper Fi! :us:


You really have not been reading posts. this isn’t a post full of white supremacists . there are a large number of left and rights here saying for the most part this is wrong. its not about left and right


Just checking my OP, there are individuals who I know to be liberal upvoting it. I don’t think this is a politics issue at all, and I’m honestly disappointed that some people say it is.

Some of these jokes were hilarious, too bad they’re going imo. They could always, you know, focus on the future.

I think any sane/normal person can see that they’ve gone way over the top just to cover their own buttoxes and have something to show in court that they’re actively interested in changing their gross behaviour of the past. But really, they just look even worse for this stupid show they’re putting on.


I think the changes were made because the people working on wow wanted them. I don’t think some of these changes were made for our benefit. So I can understand why they weren’t asking for our input.


I can agree with this. I really don’t want to leave. But my sub isn’t valuable to them, and they’ve made that profoundly clear.

Believe it or not but 10-12 years ago maybe more I went on Toms hardware and made a thread titled “Help me b0tch down my system some” because I was trying to save money on a build and I got flamed and banned when I tried to defend my self because people said I was speaking ill of their daughters and that I wouldn’t like people talking about my kids that way.

The thread had no mention of people in it whatsoever. It was a build thread and people got carried away about the way they felt about something that had nothing to do with what I was talking about due to their own insecurities.

Right. But we have to play to play the game just as much as they have to work on it.

That’s why the middle ground matters so much. There’s a very large chunk of the playerbase who hasn’t been okay with any of this. I can genuinely understand current employees wanting some of these changes, all I ask if that they recognize that there are people who don’t agree with them and that they deserve a voice. Because right now, that isn’t happening :frowning:

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