There's a WoW dating FB group :o

Ah, I know where that is. I was in Martinsburg for a couple of years, going to college in Winchester. The mountains are nice there.

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It has its ups and it has its downs. Iā€™ve made a lot of friends at it over relationships that havenā€™t worked out, so there is that.

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Que me up for LFR: Looking for Relationship


LFG: Looking For Gnomes.

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I keep WoW isolated from my real life, with the exception of people I know who play. Iā€™d rather be single than use a WoW dating site. Iā€™ve met many lovely people here, but the weirdos you do meet, really outdo themselves.

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itā€™s hard to keep things like WoW apart from my real life, mainly because the things I enjoy are part of who I am. They are what makes me.

Being a toy collector plays a huge part into my character and individuality, so itā€™s hard to separate them both.

But yeah, Iā€™m in the group, but I havenā€™t posted at all because of fears I have, which are numerous.

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