Because they were the bullet sponge for WWIII.
Also, Germany did pay reparations for WWII. The US never does anything for “free.”
Because they were the bullet sponge for WWIII.
Also, Germany did pay reparations for WWII. The US never does anything for “free.”
As far as I know there were no significant reperation, though the Marshall plan mones needed to be payed back of course.
Reperations was what has been done after WW1.
Except topple democratically-elected governments worldwide.
Ahem. Back on topic.
Of course there won’t be reparations, it’s never been a thing in Warcraft ever. In the writers’ minds 8.1 really was it. It was the NEs big revenge and any more complaining from players is just entitled whining.
Can’t say I hold out much hope from the story after BfA, the only good news is that it can only go up from here.
now i’m certain you are trolling …
I said this from the writers’ POV, not mine. They even stated as such.
There nation was parted out to other nations as spoils of war, they had to pay back the Marshall plan, was deprived of their entire arms industry, are forced to live with an occupation force for an indefinite time, and their way of life is only a thing because of the US military forcing good behavior around key straights and canal locks.
If Germany ever wants to build up their own military ever again, they must either 1. Buy another nations tech, ensuring they will never have their own bleeding edge tech or 2. Build their own Industry from scratch. Something they don’t even have the tools for anymore.
Germany as a military power is forever dead.
See above.
Sorry then, missunderstood it .
Of course marshal plan had to be payed back, all credits have to.
The rest is uhm well not wrong but also not right.
Uhm … the Tiger is considered to be the worlds best tank, for one example.
Germany has extremely advanced and high profile weapon manufactors. Heckler&Koch, Rheinmetall, etc … germany is one of the biggest exportors of weapons in the world sadly.
I whish your claim would be true as I am a pacifist. But no … germany just doesn’t have a big military because they relied on the US and Nato for defense purpose. If trumps demand of 2% GPD for military spending would be matched GErmany would be the 3rd lagrest military force in the world.
I was mostly referring to the US toppling half of central and south America’s countries governments and their ‘‘light meddling’’ in middle-eastern affairs. Well no matter, this isn’t a politics forum.
No harm done, but you can see why I hold very little hope for this story when the writers are so out of touch with the playerbase.
Well you see how thin my skin has become on that topic too, so yes.
Their tanks are maintenance queens, all their submarines are dry-docked, most of their typhoons are grounded, and their military has to practice with broomstick and has a definite lack of actual professionals due to the stigma the military has. They can’t even meet their NATO obligations.
If Germany (and France) wasn’t so much of a paper tiger, they could have handled Libya without begging the US to get involved.
This is also ignoring the most important facet of running a military, logistics. Granted, no one can compete with the US there.
See: pax americana
well thats the case when you hit bottom barrel however you can also pick a shovel and keep digging.
Actually Germany didn’t want to. The german constitution normally prohibits the use of its military outside its borders. Hence why the military is in its current state , it is just not needed at all. Which is good.
But question is still, does the world really want a germany with the 3rd largest military budget in the world even surpassing russia, france and the UK?
Currently germany is at 1.3% GDP which is 49 billion dolars.
At 2% GDP germany would spend 75 billion.
The 3rd biggest military is india with 71 billion currently.
France is at 50 billion
UK at 48 billion
Russia at 65 billion
So again … is that really desireable?
What the world wants is irrelevant. Does Germany want to have a bigger say in world geopolitics? If yes, you need a bigger military.
Don’t think so. Germany is defacto leading the EU and thus is pretty much at the height it can be.
It is now a question about how the EU evolves.
Thanks Evelysaa! as I said I really don’t lore that well- you seem to know it far better to offer a perspective for everyone
You’re welcome, if you need more info about lore you can get it from
. You can find WoW lore for almost everything there.
Bolded for truth, people seem to put forth… extreme demands that punish real players for things out of their control. However, even as an exclusive Horde player, I think it would go a long way if the Horde ceded all of Ashenvale and Darkshore officially. It’s a compromise: no player-punishing/humiliating decisions are made, and a decimated race gets some pride back. Horde players like myself probably shouldn’t act like we have much of an emotional connection to those zones anyway.
Okay but what if I do, though? Like, as a player I have an attachment to the Horde’s presence in Ashenvale. I’ve done enough quests about ensuring it over the years, let’s not pretend the player investment is less valid because it’s from a Horde main.
And given that it’s right next door to Orgrimmar, Ashenvale is just more practical/interesting/appropriate as a contested zone. Warsong gulch is iconic, and remains so even with all the background lore developments it’s had.
If Blizzard was going to hit the Horde one more time with reparations, they would have done it already. Before the Armistice was signed.
This point needs to be understood and acknowledged more, I think.
They’re stoking Alliance players’ anger because they think they can use that to drive subscriptions.
They’re not doing anything on the Horde side because they don’t think they can use that to drive subscriptions.
In that way, Teldrassil is the new, “improved” Broken Shore. They were pushing that as an Alliance grudge long after it made logical sense. Now they’ve got a grudge they can push for the rest of WoW.