Everything that happened is part if the narrative became that’s all there is. This is a video game. Neither the horde or alliance will ever have meaningful repercussions because they are player factions.
While this is the story forum. It’s the story of a video game, not a novel. They aren’t going to impact a faction in a real way unless it’s a game balance issue.
Video games do have great an dconsistant stories, it is possible and has been done in the past.
Heck an RPG is all about its story, that is the genre.
I know that mmos can be difficult … BUT they could at least try. Other companies do this aswell with ease.
Blizzerd just is at a point where they run around with a big middelfinger towards everyone just so
And I dont understand why. I can’t get it. If you don’t want to do a good story, then just step down and let someone else do it.
The only consequences you will ever see is the return to status quo, unless it’s for game mechanics. Any expectations for something other than that are setting yourself up for disappointment.
You only have yourself to blame, you cant blame blizzard for writing a story you didnt like. They were never trying to write a story where there would be significant consequences for one of the player factions.
I can blame blizzard for a story that is composed of lore holes, logic holes, deus ex machinas, badly written characters and unbelieveable reactions.
That is basic criticism against stories and plots …
what are you talking about there are objectively good stories and objectively bad ones that violate logic and good writing skills.
You can criticize them for whatever you want, but they never set out to tell a story with realistic consequences. So being upset that there aren’t any is on you.
It’s like watching a drama and complaining that it isnt funny. If you want a comedy watch a comedy.
Its exactly the point. If you want that kind of story experience you should choose a story that doesn’t soft reboot every two years, one with out two player factions.
Here’s the thing. I would accept that they messed up, except that this is the exact same thing that they did with Theramore. Blow up something important to the Alliance, ramp up the emotions of the Alliance player base, and then when time comes for the emotional payoff, shrug and say “Well we can’t alienate the Horde player base.”
To be clear, they’re right to not want to alienate the Horde player base. What I want is them to show the same concern about alienating the Alliance player base.
So, yeah, it’s a two faction game, so how about Blizz remembers that at the beginning of the xpac and not just at the end?
Yep, screw blizzard amadis is right there will be no reparations, i already knew this was going to happen since the tree was burnt no matter how hard i accuse no matter how many posts i make, no matter how many times i point atrocity by atrocity the horde will still be there.
This will just be used for a bit of story untill it grows stale, blizzard forgets about it then burns another alliance city, ill just enjoy this expansion until sylvanas shows up and ill just fade away, our emotions arent worth getting invested in this crap story.
tldr: the story sucks, it sucks major, greasy, donkey balls guys, im here for the dungeons and raids, go play ffxiv for a good story.
Alliance lost a city, horde lost a city. That’s the balance blizzard provided. Just because some alliance players feel that it wasnt a fair trade doesnt mean anything. Mechanically in the game it was a city for a city. It’s a game where the story takes second priority.
It doesnt matter what faction did to the other. It’s going to reset to the status quo at the the start of the next expansion. No matter how many people were killed there will always be enough left to tell the story they want to tell.
We’ve known this was going to happen since BfA pre-patch, from the very moment Anduin said “There can be no peace with Sylvanas as Warchief.” That line basically laid it all out on the table from the very beginning.
At most we can expect the lore state of Kalimdor to go right back to how it was post-MoP, when the Kaldorei gave up Azshara and Stonetalon, and the Horde will go back to twiddling their thumbs going 'Burning? What Burning? I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by a Loyalist, I serve the council like a good Orc/Forsaken/Goblin/etc."
Of course, it’s always going to reset to status quo. That’s my point - since it’s going to reset to status quo, Blizzard needs to work a little harder on figuring out what the payoff for the players of each faction because at the moment they aren’t doing a great job. In fact, they are continuing to repeat their previous mistakes.
On the two cities thing, I would have counted even if it had been the Alliance that leveled Undercity. Instead, I had to sit through a cut scene of Sylvanas flying off with a smug grin on her face.
It didn’t reset to the status quo. Teldrassil’s still dead and Undercity is lost to blight. Although it’s not currently reflected in the game, Alliance now has complete control of both Arathi Highlands and Darkshore. The status of Ashenvale is currently unknown though I doubt Horde get to keep any of the holdings they captured during War of Thorns.
Horde lost two of its most prominent lore NPCs, one to death and one ran off and became an enemy to both factions. Four if you count the less important faces that are Gallywix and Nathanos.
This expansion has kicked everyone in the nuts. For anyone to want to open up the can of worms again because “Ermegerd, meh reparations!” is just begging to get another kick.
I’m not looking forward to any guilt tripping we’re bound to encounter in Ardenweld as a Horde player but if that’s the extent of any faction vs faction shenanigans of Shadowlands, I’ll be happy with it.
Sorry then, I misunderstood. If this is the case though, breaking from the Status Quo of not killing each other is just going to keep leaving people upset and unsatisfied every time.
I’m sure Blizzard are telling themselves “We’ll get it right next time”.
I think the Night Elf player base who enjoy the lore are starting to feel embittered by the idea of constantly being the race to kick down whenever Blizzard needs something to happen. This would be good and all; absolutely fair if they actually engaged and let the Night Elves - as the faction within the Alliance, not those affiliated with neutral or renegade groups - actually win something for once. And not necessarily in a hollow victory done offscreen or handwaved to be stalemated - an actual, 100%, certified victory.
Unknowingly, there’s some callous behaviour on the part of some Horde who believe that any reparations or consequence to a faction that has almost been a persistent thorn in the side of the Night Elves would spell the end of their enjoyment for said faction. There’s some heavy cognitive dissonance going around.
At the root of it I don’t think Nelf players really want this supposed dominance over the Horde. They just want a continuation of the story and are asking for the writers to start creating something more believable again that focuses on the world at hand instead of specific characters at the cost of everything. Perhaps the Night Elves fight back, “destroy” Splintertree Post. This starts another war, sure, but at least it also provides something that the Horde aren’t villain-batted with and makes the game more grey instead of black on white morality that’s been pushed into everyone’s faces as of late.
I’ve been on the Nelves side since the start. As a roleplayer I saw a huge die-off of original Nelf roleplayers once Teldrassil happened and the game continued onward; with nothing to show for them.
I’m not necessarily a Horde player as much as I main a Goblin Shaman because all my friends are on WrA Horde.
Allinace in general and NE player sin particular seemd to have left BFA in significant numbers.
The realmpop statictics were really troubleing.
There has been a huge drop in overall players after 3 month of BFA, but ontop op that:
over 20% more alliance players seem to have left compared to the amount of horde players during BFA and and additional of over 8% ontop of that from NE players.
So roughly 30% of the NE playerbase has left BFA after 3 months.
And that were the statistics I have looked up after 8.1