There will be no reparations

Has anyone in-game actually raised the concept of reparations? Not the vague notion of “taking responsibility” or whatever, but the actual idea of a direct transfer of material wealth? Is there any sort of precedent for it in Azeroth?

It seems kinda silly to invent something on the forums and then get mad about it not being put into the game.


Tyrande is indrectly hinting at something in the lines of atoneing for what the Horde has done when she refers to Thrall in Shadows Rising by telling him to “wash th ebodies of 1000 scarred NEs and when they forgive him she accepts his apology”, its a bit of a biblical metaphor I guess, but she seems to imply that the Horde has to do things to attone else the NEs will come for them.

But that was in a novel not ingame.

Ingame we bascially have nothing at all in terms of how BFA even ended. We don’t know what peace negotiations have been made, not what consequences happened, nothing.
Just that there is a peace treaty that everyone but Tyrande wanted to sign and Genn wasn’t eager too.

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Not in game, but Baine brings it up as a possibility for Rastakhan’s death in Shadows Rising. Talanji promptly tells him to suck eggs.


This is not my content as my lore is pathetically inadequate… but I did search for Alliance atrocities and gathered a list. Perhaps you Alliance members so hellbent on making the Horde suffer your reparations may address these before you ask anything of the Horde:

  1. Humans put Orcs in concentration camps.
  2. Humans abandoned a group of Blood Elves to the Scourge to die.
  3. Humans chased away the Forsaken when they tried to contact their families.
  4. Dwarves mined in Tauren land without permission.
  5. Humans sank a Goblin slave ship killing many innocent Goblins.
  6. Tauren are considered savages by many Humans and Night Elves.
  7. Thrall himself was a prisoner for many years in a human concentration camp, despite this he grew to be neutral and did not seek bloodshed between the races - however he was no fool and (rightfully) distrusted the Alliance after what they did to him.
  8. An army of Humans and Dwarves destroyed a peaceful Tauren village in the Barrens and killed every Tauren inhabiting it, even the children.
  9. Night Elves and Cenarius try to kill Grom Hellscream and warsong. Without trying to talk first.
  10. Worgen try to invade the territory of the forsaken.
  11. Jaina proudmoore purges Dalaran of the Sunreavers.
  12. Night Elves loathe Blood Elves as they are an offshoot of High Elves, who seceded from Night Elven society, the Night Elves viewed sedition as an act of treason, and Night Elves never forgive or forget.

Louder for the stubborn stans in the back, please.

The implementation of their desired “reparations” -which actually translate as mutilating and erasing one faction by proxy of making ii dissapear into the other- would have to come with actual gameplay features to prevent the game from imploding into itself (ergo, my F2P answer every time a fanatic edgelord starts with his/her screaching rearding Teldrassil. It is not rocket science to understand the PLAYERS were never responsible for the atrociously bad writting of BfA´s pre-patch).


I am at some point really questioning peoples sanity.
You invade and destroy peoples landas an dproperty and you are the victims because they defend themselves?! Isn’t it YOUR responsibilty to explain yourself and talk?

WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you horde players. How can you be composed of such a bunch of victim blaimers and “didn’t do nuffins” … unbelieveable… just can’t wrap my head around that anymore.


I really meant that. There’s no way I can defend any of it. I don’t even know what they are talking about- but I CAN say it is human nature to create the justification for mass murder of others (we call that war). And in that justification what some see as an “atrocity” another will react as you, and none are ever going to convince the other side anything different. We’d prefer to begrudge one another until we start a new war to settle who’s “right”.

Nope, not going to accept Blizzard brushing it under the rug.

They could easily give us the kill on Sylvanas, Ashenvale back, a new home and let us free the souls without hurting the Horde but blizz refuses to do it because they intentionally want to spite Night Elf players.

They make things worse and worse not just to cater to Horde fans, but to slowly erase Night Elves from existance

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What is wrong with putting genocidal maniacs who lost, into concentration camps? Morally superior alternative to killing them all. And the Alliance couldn’t let the orcs they defeat to have freedom and their own land.


Left to me? I’d put that geocidal maniac to death. I think I’ve been fairly clear that unlike most here, I see morality in warfare as not aiding any at all. It only leads to more misery.

One that slaughtered many of my people would never be suffered to live my friend. Extending their life only means offering them breath they do not deserve, and allow a possible re-occurrence.

Don’t ask me to defend lore as I don’t know it. WoW lore is flawed to the point it is ridiculous. I log in to pvp and raid with my friends.

Then why are you here?


Sadly reparations did play a role in why WW2 started. But so is many germans letting He Who Shall Not Be Named into power, including many more who shared a certain ideology.

Why WW2 happened is a complex issue, and that’s just for Germanys reasons, after all Italy and Japan had their own reasons for starting the war.

Maybe even if the reparations were lighter, there still would have been another World War.

But Blizzard could easily write a story in which the Horde gives the Kaldorei people reparations in the form of resources/druid help, etc, to rebuild the kaldorei homeland while it not being used as justification for the Horde to start another world war.

If the Horde DID start another war because of the resources they spent on helping the night elves, that would be pretty pathetic for them.

But hey, Blizzard has already given them crap reasons for starting a war. After all this is the faction that started a world war on the excuse of…“Maybe the Alliance will attack us in the next hundreds of years…”

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You are hitting on some good points we can agree- but again, the lore is so twisted at this point I rarely see players happy with the path or agreeing with how the story is unfolding.

Perhaps this is due to trying to extend a saga over all these years and keeping the game lore flowing.

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I mean, there wouldn’t be reparations anyway. As reparations are usually forced upon from the losers of a war by the winners. And neither side lost the war.

I think what you mean to say is “There won’t be any repercussions for the Horde, or any attempt for them to make amends.”


There is a difference.
These camps were prisonors of war camps. Not concentration camps.
The sole reason the Alliance built them was, that they didn’t want to kill them.
It was an act of mercy.

They also just coulnd’t let them raom free as you said because just a week ago they were murdering and raping everyone they came across…
People have really strange ideas.

It was this or death, and some Humans had plans to reform the Orcs.


They thought they were Scourge.


The Humans were working for the Twilight’s Hammer and those attacking the Goblins were all killed.

This isn’t an action so I don’t know why this is listed as an atrocity.

See 1.


They thought they were demons.

Forsaken invaded first and destroyed the Worgen’s kingdom.

Absolutely true.

See 6.


What this tells me is that Blizzard thinks this is a good way to write the story.


Indeed. Funny how some posters apparently “get” the problem, but then they make a 180º and prove that no, they don´t.

If anything, Amadis brought a VERY good point: the Horde -as a feature- really doesn´t matter. This is why devs saddle it with FOTM war crimes anytime they feel like pulling “muh pvp war in warcraft!!” BS expcs; cause at the end they don´t care over how their awful terribad ideas and it´s execution impact the faction and by proxy the players that belong to it

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The problem is, that Blizzard just started with Cata to do this kind of stories without consequences.

Horde conquered Azeroth -> defeat an put into labour camps used them for reparation.
Horde bombed Theramore -> Nothing just a some mean words from Varian.
Horde burned down Teldrassil -> completely nothing. Everything that happend was basically self inflicted or part of the narrative.

Yes, their writing has gotten worse since Cataclysm. I don’t think you’ll find many people who will disagree with that.

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