"There will always be a right ""choice"" mathematically per encounter"

Please get help, i beg you OP. This isn’t healthy.


If that is the case they can do the same with the covenant of their choosing, only the truly wannabe elitists are actually affected by locked covenants.

Nothing stops you from making a choice that makes you good for most content it is called not doubling down on your strenghts like many will do that prefer to specialize in one area and be weak in others.

Strengths and weaknesses

Ah yes, explaining why things are bad upsets people, maybe they are the wrong kind of people if they get upset.

The direction of shadowlands has been set, tryhards arent the dev team’s priority.

Bad? You mean your one opinion? The way you post is so abrasive and holier than thou it turns many people off.

I stand by what this night elf says.


ATTENTION! Place your bets NOW before it is too late!!! How long will it take before pull the cord happens?!? Bets must be placed before SL drops or you miss out!!

I have no idea what the purpose of this post is, it reads more like an advertisement than a start of a discussion. Also, sorry I am not buying that.


You really need to stop the name calling. Just because a player enjoys an aspect of the game you don’t, doesn’t make them a “tryhard”. People enjoy pushing themselves to their absolute limit in everything in life.

Well you do know a lot about being carried.


Yeah it won’t have anything to do with this being the 10 millionth thread he’s posted about this subject.


Or any other.

But I usually wish peace and happiness toward people I don’t know that are suffering.

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Fair enough :slight_smile:

He said that while squishing levels, IL, having scaling, having CRZ, neutering the leveling and keeping with borrowed power.

Having the choice to do that is what makes it a RPG. Blizzard eliminating player choice makes it less of one.

Then why haven’t they done it yet with the last 2 xpacs?


I don’t know how he hasn’t worked this out yet

Ok even I’m now flagging the Ralphe posts. Dude needs help. Legit.

the rest was not needed

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This is so true O_o
I liked it way better when there was no flag system and mods did the job.

Ralphe needs help.

sometimes I wonder if Ralph isn’t just one person.
What if every time one gets banned a new person takes the name and thats why we get a different ralph all the time

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Hard to believe that multiple people are this obsessed or obtuse … but possible.

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Lol what a funny comment.

Meeseeks?!? Oh God.