"There will always be a right ""choice"" mathematically per encounter"

It completely baffles me how the mods just let this stupidity go on for so long

If not trolling it’s truly spam


uh huh how bout posting on your main before calling yourself a decent or skilled player op cause your io would suggest otherwise. not like it will affect me much cause i have guiild and they will help me gear simply because im on their raid team. you sound pretty selfish to just screw over the large portion of the player base who has no time for a schulded guild. have fun pugging ralphe

So what are you going to say when Blizzard caves and lets us be optimal?


gonna be some rage for sure. ill bet 1k gold if this trash system goes for one patch its gone the next

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Looks like you dont even know how to use raider IO which isnt surprising, that’s why if I ever pug I make the group and one shot since I care about signs of skill rather than a score xD

Or well, I actually open the page to inspect.

They are launching like this whenever you like it or not, like I ve said before if they change them in 9.3 I would be fine, it would be the end of the xpac, remain angry :3

I am surprised as well. Did they hire interns for this job who are new and can’t understand that this guy is creating threads with sole purpose to start a fight.

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lol your naive to think this ide wont be scrpped once subs start falling off when people realize they are unable to play thier class to thier maximum potential. they got rid of WF/TF right quick when a large enough crowd said to do so. Blizzard cares about subs and most casuals actually do like like to min/max and play all their specs to their max potential. thats one of ffxiv strongest selling points. do you actually beleive for one second that a system in opposit direction of what people have been asking for will last long? good luck with that. btw your io on that toon is 712 so untill you post on your main assuming that isint your main, you legit dont get to calll yourself a decent player because i consider myself average at best. i just have more freetime to push io then other people

Yeah I’m sure Blizzard is used to shooting themselves in the foot.

Once they see subs hemorrhaging again, they’ll change the system to how it should’ve been in the first place.

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Or subs rise because people who genuinely like RPGs enjoy covenants and Torghast and the amount of player retained after the usual expac launch is far bigger than before.

Tryhards truly believe they are the majority of the subs which is beyond delusional xD

Oh I know I am a better player than most, I am secure in that knowledge unlike other people desperate for achievements to show off, and the fact you typed this shows you dont understand a lot about this game or raider io xD

I’d like to think most of wows population nowadays use optimal builds.

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Definition of out of touch xD

He buys mythic carries

His io is void


They do

I say as someone using a non optimal build

The man buys carries; he pays people to play the game for him
I wouldn’t care if he didn’t buy tokens to do it but that’s just what we are dealing with here


Good to know I finally tracked down his main only to find he is no better then I am. I consider myself a causal so who is he trying to call a try hard lmao :joy:

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This just in: Ralph hates people who make choices in a video game


He’s not going to do anything. He’ll just move onto another topic so he can keep annoying people with his spam.


By that logic the “team” has still failed with covenants.

Thats what happens when you make topics for the sole reason of upsetting people.


Oh shut up Ralph.


People are not changing right now for every single boss to get 100% possible result.

Instead people develop some cookie cutter build that has 80-90% of power but in every situation (only real difference is between st+cleave and big aoe)

Same will happen with covenants. That’s what meta-build is.

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