"There will always be a right ""choice"" mathematically per encounter"

Man … that post just screams “i feel inadequate about so many things in life so i’m gonna go on a public forum where i can take it all out on people who play a game better than I do.”

I feel bad for OP. Seriously.


Yeah he probably did get flamed hard one time and hasn’t recovered since. Just has to find some decent people and be decent back and he’d be just fine.

Which would be great if blizz could actually balance things. the fact they cant creates the problem of meta choices this entire system will fail. i get that you want choices we all do, but there is always going to be a best for the situation because blizz fails in the balance aspect.

ahh so you realize that there isn’t going to be balance and meta choices will remain thanks for agreeing.

except you did have a choice you could have ran your own groups and never worried about meta choices.

tedious doesn’t equal hard

Hey Ralph, long time no see. So what’s your opinion on tryhards these days? And the min/maxers? And what about the elite raiders?

You are on his ignore list.

My money’s on 9.3.5.

So I just talked to some forum support staff about what’s okay and not okay to post,

they replied that

being dismissive of other’s opinion, which detracts from the conversation, a post can be removed.

very interesting.

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No way, Ralph and I are buds.