Ion said it clearly, because this is an RPG and not a homogenized game like FPS, where everyone is the same and instead there’s different skills and passives and system combinations.
Because of that if you go encounter by encounter basis there will always be a “right choice” mathematically, blizzard understands that yet people who demand blizzard to simply balance things dont.
Because of this Blizzard has abandoned the old mentality of homogenization and caring about perfect balance because the wannabe elitists get affected because this mentality was ruining the game by not allowing them to be creative, that is why covenants have all sort of different unbalanced abilities instead of being safe and all of them having similar ones.
What does this mean for the team? That they understand that if they allowed covenants and conduits to be freely swappable like azerite for example, tryhards would always change to the most mathematically optimal build therefore never making any real choice because like we said, there is only ONE MATHEMATICALLY RIGHT BUILD.
It is a lot harder to create a build that will be good for both m+ and most raid bosses than it is to change like a tryhard between each boss. So dont be surprised if you find out many of those wannabe elitists are actually pretty bad players now that they wont be able to get carried by changing to optimal build at all times.
The problem isn’t that their will always be a right choice its that the right choice is probably going to be one thing for most situations. Say you raid, necrolords will likely be useless as it is a channeled spell for a shield compared to the mobility of a night fae. So, me being a necrolord or whatever will be best for my class, does not do good for my chances of getting in a raid. Lets be real, Blizzard won’t be able to balance it to have the “optimal” choice be different every encounter.
In what way? Thats just doing a mixture of single target and aoe talents whereas the other way is just chosing all single target or all aoe talents lol.
Then that would be a balance issue that is easily fixable, the goal is for all covenants to excel in different things.
The necrolord might beat you in AoE fights, the Venthyr might beat you on single target fights, the Nightfae might beat you on any sort of utility or group assist and the kyrian might beat you on cleave.
In a sense blizzard’s goal is for people to choose to specialize in one type of encounter and be best at that, while being average on the rest.
No worries, they keep attempting to bash me on any topic I make so I am used to that by now xD
Just like corruption was easily fixed? Changing covenants balance will for a large part be detrimental as blizzard tends to go with the smash an op thing to unusable.
The key word there is might. I doubt blizzards ability to clearly distinguish abilities like that. And cleave and aoe are likely going to be nearly the same.
People will end up just going with something that is universally useful for all their specs for all content if they don’t enjoy hyper specializing into a singular spec or type of content.
Eg. Shamans going for kyrian since it has the biggest amount of cross synergy between all their specs and the spell echo totem makes it useful for both AoE and single target.
It’ll more than likely be an interesting mirror of classic’s multi-role talent builds that allowed players to do different content styles at once as opposed to constantly respeccing even if it was “available” to them.
the only reason people come to these threads is to regurgitate the same arguments at each other over and over. i have no idea why the mods don’t stop this, yet they’ll delete false flagged posts for being “real life threats”
That isnt always an option for many, for example for spriest necrolords were the clear AoE choice, nightfae were the clear utility for the group, Venthyr the more single target choice and Kyrian is just a mix of aoe/single target? that one was weird
Boomie on the other hand has night fae being likely the best single target if they dont change it, Venthyr is the burst focused cd, necrolord is good sustain for multiple targets that live long enough so cleave and kyrian, seriously I dont even know the kyrian one who cares about the blue goody 2 shoes xD
Why this again? I’m to the point that I’ll just play Necrolords because the covenant seems right per the lore and not for a real or perceived advantage.
And yeah im so sick to death of this discussion.
Everyone has an opinion and thinks theirs is so valuable it needs a new thread instead of being put on an already open thread.
News flash, it ain’t
Well bad players who were carried by changing to most optimal build will no longer be able to do that with locked covenants and 1 week cd on conduits.
But you are right that the game will be far more challenging for the vast majority of the game, not for some who never changed their builds anyway.
But without them being able to stack 14 ultra optimal dps for the specific encounter, by default raid fights become harder since they are balanced around healthy comps instead of stacking meta/optimal specs and roflstomping through the encounter.
Can only hope so but many WoW players dont seem to have a good relation with self relfection sadly.
I have a cult of haters following me around at this point xD
Not necessarily. I did some research and made a few, what I thought were unique, threads. I might have gotten 30 responses max. I made several with one response or none at all.