"There will always be a right ""choice"" mathematically per encounter"

Remember when they said they’d rather buff weak things than nerf OP things? Ah, good times… we all had a hearty laugh over that…

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Ralph starts flamebait threads and constantly bumps them with posts insulting responders. It’s typical internet warrior behavior designed to attract attention to poor Ralph and his dilemma (He’s the only one standing up for this morally righteous cause, and carrying this alone is such a burden for him to bear) and to distract from the real issues.

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Yeah the choice is whatever the hell I feel like it is. I don’t need some try-hard nerd posting a spreadsheet from 3 months ago for different content that says in optimal gear and played perfectly on a target dummy that X Covenant ability provides a potential 1% increase in damage if RNG is averaged in my weekly yolo +15.

Because that’s what they do and call themselves “superior players”.

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It’ll be way more than a 1% difference. Continue living outside of reality though.


And the difference is irrelevant unless you specify what type of content you are doing, the type of the boss fight and the duration of it because mathematically optimal builds will always exist but it will always depend on the details.

There’s nothing wrong with a covenant having 10% more dps in one fight while another covenants has 13% more dps on another fight that is more cleave focused while another will be 8% better for AoE fight etc etc.


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hello ralph, I regret to inform you that I believe you are clearly a troll. therefore I shall use the ignore button, again. please don’t switch alts again.


I dont do alts, if I change main my new main will be the one I use in the forums, that is what I ve always done and will always do.

The game is just fine when we are able to be optimal at everything.

oh man. I’m late on ralph thread again. What am I gonna do w/ these flags now

There’s always another Ralph thread just around the corner

So uhhh, are a ton of people on the forums trying to blacklist ralph or something? Well, whatever it is I actually agree with what your saying ralph :+1:

Not according to Ion and the devs, and they are in charge thankfully so they are removing that kind of playstyle

I have a big group of haters for going against the more “”"""“elite”""""" player mentality that is causing a ton of issues for the community, which lately have become even more vocal and toxic because Ion told them the game isnt going their direction.

It’s amusing seeing this from someone who buys carries. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


Wrong. You have a big group of haters because you keep spamming the forums with the same topic over and over and over again. Seriously, give it a rest for about a month. No more new threads. Keep your discussion limited to just one thread for once instead of spread all over the place.


I’d respect the trolling more if he could switch it up a bit. Blizz threads about LGBT representation to bait people, mostly people on the right politically to take the bait. Because let’s be honest, they aren’t very good at not taking bait. And then we have these threads that he spams to annoy those trying to give feedback on Blizz’s systems while insulting them.

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Tauren are cute, but I miss your panda. It’s just not the same

People will still optimize no matter what blizzard does, they will make two toons of the same class if they have too. Many have already began leveling their alts for that purpose. This changes nothing for the try hard other then them basically having two “mains” which is probably blizzards plan to up sub count and time played

Have to blame the forum on this one, I am technically a cute fat lazer chicken uwu

And they are free to do so, the thing is many wont be able to do that for long or at all with shadowlands only 1 piece per m+, gearing has been slowed down considerably and many arent gonna have a group to do 50 m+ every day

The vast majority of tryhards wont be able to do that therefore the team will successfully force people to stick to a build with strengths and weaknesses because they have no choice, locked covenant, locked conduits : )

well then be prepaired for longer que times for pretty much everything. cause no one will take you if your not running the optimal class with the optimal covenent with the optimal spec. yes thats great game design rolls eyes*

Good luck with that lmao considering everyone will end up being on a different covenant for different reasons, if you are such a tryhard you expect people to be optimal enjoy spending 1 hour in LFG.

Meanwhile us decent and skilled players will be doing m+ with other decent and skilled players without caring about optimal specs and covenants xD