There will always be a bottom dps spec

Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff - #458 by Aggrend-1483 please read specifically 3rd paragraph.

Link is broken.

EDIT: wait it’s working now.

fixed not sure what happened then

Using Paladins as an example, we are hard pressed to think of a class that is more well-represented in Wrath Classic raiding across multiple specializations. Holy is one of the strongest healing specs in Wrath of the Lich King, and Protection Paladins have never been stronger tanks. While Ret is not at the top of the meters relative to other damage specs, they provide stellar raid utility across the course of the entire expansion with several key raid buffs, including Sanctified Retribution, the effect of which is only shared by Beast Mastery Hunters (another spec that is traditionally seen as a PvP spec and has lower representation in raids) and Arcane Mages (a spec that scales well early, but starts to taper off later into the expansion). Additionally, late last week we fixed a bug with Hammer of Wrath that was causing it to not scale properly from Melee attack power, which should be a fairly significant increase to Retribution damage, especially on longer fights with sizable execute phases.

I feel like Ret Paladin is like Frost Mage, doesn’t perform as well in raids, is more of a leveling/PvP spec and the other 2 specs are completly fine so there’s no reason to buff frost.

And yes I need to relate everything to Mages.

So they fixed a bug that was preventing Hammer or Wrath from scaling with attack power late last week. Wouldn’t that mean that 99% of the data Rets are using as evidence of their class performing poorly is skewed now?

More often than not, raids will carry at least 1 Ret for the utility and buffs.

Yeah I get that which I guess where the comparisons end but personally I wouldn’t get too fussed about where I place on the DPS meters I’d be more fussed over where I place compared to other Rets.

Yeah man, that 0.4% DPS increase invalidates everything.


Show me the evidence that Hammer of Wrath is only 0.4% of your dps.

I guess I can look into it.

The bugfix amounts to 0.4% DPS increase.

I’m going to quote something valuable I said earlier:

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You can’t prove it so you are going to back peddle into insults?

I wasn’t being rude with you either so I don’t understand why you are getting so bent over me asking for evidence to prove your claim.

What do I need to prove? You didn’t even properly quote the bugfix and then misinterpreted what I said. You’re not here for honest conversation, you’re here to:



you missed this part lol


Seems like HoW is like ~3% of a Rets DPS.

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Nah you are getting salty and projecting your anger into the discussion. The quote from Blizz said the bug fix should be a significant increase to your damage.

That doesn’t mean you are going to be #1 on the meters but it definitely supports the notion that your spec is once again more than viable for raiding.

Thank you for that, I will admit that 3% does seem like a small number. But I still think Rets will be more than viable throughout the entirety of wrath.

Yeah, and this is the fix:


  • Paladin

    • Fixed an issue where Hammer of Wrath was incorrectly scaling its damage from ranged Attack Power instead of melee Attack Power.

It’s less than half a percent of DPS and the parses I was using in this thread were done after the fix. The top Maexxna parse has 2.47% of their damage from HoW. That was done yesterday, the fix was last week.

Who cares what they said? Look at the data, use your own brain.

I’m not angry, just calling out a troll for doing what trolls do.


I was only paying attention to the third paragraph but that does make sense.

Apparently attempting to have a civil discussion about a current topic with a level head is trolling to you.

If you are bothered by my post please feel free to add me to ignore and have a great night.

Yeah buddy, that’s what you were doing. Misquoting hotfix, misinterpreting what I said. Smugly quoting Blizzard without looking at the actual reality that the data shows. Saying that the data we’re using is invalidated by the useless hotfix, even though it was done LAST WEEK and we’re using data from THIS WEEK.

Once again, don’t interject into a conversation you know nothing about.