zoomer mentality. you can still get it done but you do not want to make the fight any longer then your zoomer mind thinks is sufficient. even though you yourself admit it can be done with bad dps.
Warriors get a lot better moving forward, and are getting buffs in Ulduar because they are arguably the best scaling spec and the gear there is getting buffed.
The gap making warrior a bad tank is negligible compared to the gap between top DPS and ret/warrior tier now
Yes, lots of games allow you to handicap yourself and still win. Still sucks when you have to convince other people to take on that handicap so you can play the spec you enjoy.
Zero buffs will be done to warriors for one simple fact. Anything you do to them now will multiply what they are in ICC. People picked warrior not for what they do in phase 1-2 but for what they do in phases 3-4.
Nah, I started this ret journey in vanilla classic, knowing 1000% that it was trash tier when everyone else was on the warrior train I personally will play it regardless of where it is in the rankings so long as it is greater than the minimum DPS requirements.
Still doesn’t mean that classes that got nerfed in WotLK due to later itemization are not rightfully grumpy because they won’t have that itemization for a year.
This happened to warriors too, but blizz is partially fixing that by buffing Ulduar stuff. Ret paladins are dependent on a late game set bonus we won’t be getting until icecrown.
WotLK class balance is pretty hilariously bad. They got the raid wide buff thing right, but then failed to create actual parity between the DPS specs, which just means it’s easier to class stack for max DPS.
And a lot of other classes would be significantly worse off. You cant margin down for equality of the few at the expense of the many. Warriors KNEW what they were signing up for, you cant have buyers remorse when there was so much information telling you how bad warriors would be pre ICC.
As long as we let warlocks have the patch cycle where GC over buffed conflagrate and let it double dip off shadow and flame. I wouldn’t mind dropping 20k conflags again.
Using a sub 1 min fight as a benchmark isn’t good practice. DK’s rely on snapshotting their pet which includes prep from weapon swapping to meta swapping. Ret will never be able to catch them in a ST fight.