I’m not Ret btw.
Okay? I’ve been top 3 as Blood DK, pugs are bad, nothing new.
I’m not Ret btw.
Okay? I’ve been top 3 as Blood DK, pugs are bad, nothing new.
That. Is. Not. The. Point.
The class was nerfed because of late game itemization. Now they have the nerfs, but not the itemization, which puts them in a uniquely crappy spot
they still cleared the content
Okay, just checked your logs. Top 6 DPS in 10 man Naxx. Overall you were 7th, below the Paladin tank.
Yeah dude, really proving the point that Ret is fine with this!
the exact reason why they are rerolling not because they cant play because of this dumb stuff i do not care about logs. i play to have fun not be a zoomer. the logs that exist was not uploaded by me as i do not care.
"I’m top 10 in Naxx (10 man) as Ret, Ret is fine! - you, basically.
not even the raid i’m talking about but you live in this log meta. its wotlk its not hard. no one thinks your cool cause you can beat it 10 seconds faster
I main a healer.
You still can’t comprehend the issue. It’s not about me, it’s about the community. You don’t understand, that’s okay! You shouldn’t comment on things you don’t understand though.
Rets are fine…
points to logs where he does less dps than tank
“sToP WiTh ThE LoG MeTa!1!”
Ret is fine. Blizzard please don’t rebalance my spec.
Never played a ret in my life but every mouthbreather keeps telling me to reroll. They cant even comprehend advocating for something that doesnt benefit them personally.
Ita actually genuinely sad… I shudder to think what kinda people they are irl…
Even though it does benefit them personally, because their raids could now bring a ret without losing thousands of DPS.
Yea but everything is a zero-sum game in their kindergarten world so if it benefits someone else clearly that means they lose by extension.
Room temp IQ’s all around.
i main healer to play ret when i cbf healing.
yet i have done nax every week. as both have not had anyone complain. except zoomers like you.
If you’re playing Pally to tank or support/heals, you’re fine. It’s the ret pallies that just wanna do ‘big pp dps’ like other classes (that are usually pure DPS, no hybrids) that are being impatient and insufferable.
I’m not even a zoomer, but I do think it’s a reasonable request that a class be in the same league as other DPS options for the people that want to play at the highest level.
It’s not great for those players to be like “yeah! Beat 99% of ret paladins in dps, bottom of the meters (by a wide margin)!”
It’s not like they bring anything else of value that a higher performing spec can’t.
But yes, if you don’t care about optimizing your raid, you can bring rets. Not everyone enjoys feeling like a self imposed handicap though.
The bigger issue is the gap size between the top and bottom, less than the fact that ret is the bottom.
because the buffs they bring that increase everyone else dps does not help at all does it.
That’s not what they’re asking. They’re asking to do dps remotely comparable to what they did in the original Wrath… Because of the way they’ve implemented patch changes at no point in original WOTLK did Ret ever do DPS this comparably low…
That’s it. Not top of the charts. Not “big pp dps…” Just comparable to what they did in OG Wrath relative to other classes/specs.
This isn’t a complicated concept but if yall still having trouble I’m more than willing to bust out the sock puppets.
PS: “Hybrid tax” isn’t a thing in Wrath. See: Warriors and DK’s.
That’s the thing though… In 25 mans they commonly bring none of those at all due to buff overlap. Every single buff a ret paladin can bring can be brought by someone else in a spec that isn’t the worst possible choice at that role.
The only advantage rets have is that we bring a lot of buffs, so in 10 man content they are usually bringing a few valuable ones.
12 shadow priest Zerg strats?
12 arms or fury zergs?