People aren’t benching Rets though… plus both your other specs are top tier.
You just want to be the top at everything and you can’t so you are tilted over it.
Fisher Price pvp spec.
People aren’t benching Rets though… plus both your other specs are top tier.
You just want to be the top at everything and you can’t so you are tilted over it.
Fisher Price pvp spec.
They are though. For zerg strats. You can bring 1, but any more than that and it’s a liability.
Oh no not the zerg strats! Your class is dooooomed!
I’m glad you agree.
It’ll be ok boo.
I don’t know whats worse the MHP or the MBEP lol.
I’m prot so I’ll always be okay.
Ret paladins need some help though.
soon ret paladins wont get brought to raids either
Also you can dps as prot it literally does more damage and is better on trash too. Just play dps prot so you do have more options
DPS prot…
Because groups are recruiting for trash dps.
More Conqueror tokens for us! This is an absolute win.
My evil agenda is nearly complete. Once I extinguish all the paladins no longer will they continue to yank tier tokens from me! Muahahaha
We have 4 warriors in our main raid group. Show up regularly, and I’m sure you’ll have a spot somewhere.
I agree – buff Druids
only class that i think needs some sort of dps buff is warrior (for PVE). paladin have 2 S tier spec they do not need 3… 20% of the servers is pally they do not need more excuses to play them lol
are you for real?
so because guilds don’t struggle with bosses when they bring a single ret, that means ret could do 50 dps and would still be fine by your definition?
They do less DPS with full BiS P5 gear and a Legendary weapon than P1 UH DK and you think it’s just fine balance, very good!
Now we’re talkin!
The amount of dps they are doing is more than fine for clearing content though.
this is the same guy that thinks you need 4k gs to do heroics. you don’t need the extra 50 dps bro it will only take a extra 2 seconds to down the boss no biggie.
you could do a 12 man pally raid now and clear all the content it would just be slower then the zoomers want so they won’t lol. it can be done
Read my post again.
Who cares? That’s not the point. The way the community perceives specs and the way they play the game matters. That’s why the Chronoboon Displacer was added (far too late.) Blizzard should do some tuning before it gets to that too late point (again.)
Ret in my guild already rerolling. 2nd raid Ret reading the posts here and looking at logs also thinking about rerolling. Lots of Rets in this position right now.
You mean reroll Unholy DK? That’s what most Rets will be doing.
bro just roll another spec… your guild leader won’t take you because you do slower dps then he is a zoomer its not needed and is a preference. talk to your gm. i have pugged raids where im top 6 dps as ret and cleared nax.