There will always be a bottom dps spec

I fail to see the problem here.

Warriors were doing 2k on patch in vanilla while I was doing like 800 on my hunter.

They don’t like to remember that, because it wasn’t them, they’ve been playing meme spec this WHOLE time.

150second Duration 30000iterations,5 workers:
UH P2+ 11,682
Assassination p2+ 10,572
Aff +2 10448
Frost 10,319
shadow 9891
surv 9805
balance 9803
enhance 9741
fury 9604
demo 9587
combat 9428
9286 feral
arcane 9278 Haha* 3% damage
Fire 9,255
marksman 9170
arms 8491
retribution 8191
I will say that after some more simming arms is in the pits still with us in p2 everyone else though starts to really pull ahead even shadow priest is projected to pull nearly 10k dps. you said non-dk dps? thats assassination at 10,572-8191= -2381dps for roughly a 25% less dps. versus the 8 you stated. btw even in a 2min30 second fight UH still dumping on rogue by over 1100dps. to short for that 2nd gargoyle and too long for it to be all burst.

warriors had world buffs that’s a totally different game if you added world buffs to the current meta most of the melee classes would rise and the casters would fall. I think hunters scaled super messed up in classic too. classic was the infancy of wow though.

Not what I said, clearly. And it seems from your SiM I was right. About 10% above next best.

Also no? According to… YOU?
btw, you’re simming p2 full BiS and it’s still not 14k for 180 seconds. What a shocker. Kinda how I thought it would be. There’s always going to be a bottom, but things aren’t balanced for the gear that’s out, and still not balanced for Ulduar either. Everyone needs to chill.

according to WoWsims not me.

You wrote it. I’m using YOUR examples. Trusting that you’re copying them correctly, I have no reason to doubt what you simmed.

You said according to wowsims, but you stated NORTH of 12k, then showed sims below 12k, so first was a guess I take it? That’s fine, but I was still right.

it was a rough estimate.

no one know’s who’s right until were in ulduar and they release those rankings in week 3-4 and people have ulduar gear.

Okay, my whole point is, that we can’t expect blizzard to double balance this crap. They picked a patch and we ALL knew what it was months in advance, to prep and sim and brace ourselves for it. To complain is just hot air, as far as I’m concerned.

actually we know via simming the increased DPS output of divine storm that the set bonus change gives that it’s not super significant and wouldn’t require any further balance

Yo you guys are gonna suck even with the set bonus relax.

Could you speedrun classic raids replacing wars with rets? Imagine when we get hardmode fights that require one specific class for exactly one encounter, and no others.

Figures a warlock would be making this post lol

Yea, I was weak in classic, like I knew I would be, but strong in TBC and wrath, like I knew I would be. Almost like I used my game knowledge to my advantage, and didnt wonder why I couldnt do mage DPS in BWL.

Cuz that’s the meta, right? So only Prot Paladins and Holy Pal/Disc should have healing spots in raids as there are 3 spots?

Wanna know what else is the meta? Rets being poor. Like Warriors and other specs, too. Either be a slave to the meta, or play off meta and compare yourself to yourself and others of your class instead of broken DKs.


That’s an entirely different game.

Would a person win a NASCAR event on a bicycle? Think.

Warriors and “other specs” get buffs next tier from ilvl increases due to the nature of scaling and it being more favorable to others.

This version of Ret paladin never existed, nor was it balanced around a good point in time. The balancing point for Ret right now, in Tier 7, is a set bonus… in Tier 10.

Has anyone from Blizzard confirmed that or are y’all just like parrots repeating each other?

Even if yall had the set bonus y’all would still be garbage dam.