There will always be a bottom dps spec

if i go to your guilds wcl page, u have a way to apply (contact dude on discord), you have 2 raids with 2 rets and u aren’t recruiting anymore, u have 5 rogues already but they are listed as “low”, as in, you’d take more if they were really good most likely. Doesn’t sound like player-> class to me

I don’t know when “bring the player over the class” is applicable but it certainly isn’t right now

Maybe you should try actually reading my post about the case for buffing rets then. Never once did I mention being bottom dps. I said that having a class do tank level dps when it historically was MUCH stronger in the original game is not good. This is supposed to be a love letter to the fans not a private server clone, just because warmane ran patch 3.3 is not a real reason to leave certain specs balanced around items that are not in the game.

when has that ever been a thing among non casual’s that’s just some propaganda blizz is feeding the seagulls.

That isn’t what bring the player not the class is, bring the player not the class is about people who have been within a guild for a while, not new players.

I’ve been with the guild for a long time, if I say to my GM that I want to go ret I’m 100% sure that he’ll let me. Not immediately but in time he’ll let me change class and raid with that character and the reason I know this is because I’ve seen it happen multiple times throughout my time in the guild.

That, is bring the player not the class.

no, that’s not what bring the player not the class is, “bring the player not the class” is blizzard’s attempt at balancing the game so that the player base doesn’t create such rigid raid compositions that oust certain specs for being too low numerically, its the idea that if a player is a super skilled ret paladin for example that he would always outperform someone who is a mediocre rogue. Ghostcrawler had an interview about it at the time, its entirely about class balance.

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That’s just blizzard being trash at balancing, it’s like that with most classes.

Look up what a hero class actually means, it has nothing to do with how strong they are.

A hero class has its own unique starting zone and it starts at a higher level than normal classes, that’s all a hero class means in Wow.

It’s negligible when NOT BURSTING. People are only using their BURST dps as an example. It’s unimpressive outside of a 45-60s burst window. Y’all need to chill.

The problem is, you’re using comments/balance changes made from any given patch, and applying it to a DIFFERENT patch, with a different available set of gear. To expect them to balance classes around CLASSIC only, given a patch that wasn’t meant for the gear we have is ridiculous, to say the least.

“Waaah waaah only 2 out of my 3 specs are OP waaah”
If you want balance changes, go play retail. We all knew what we were getting. 3.3.5 was not a surprise.

You’re right, but here’s the thing, I don’t know, and neither do you, how much time it would take for them to specifically balance THIS patch with THIS gear. We may not even have classic wotlk for another couple years with how fast Blizzard works at anything. Being bottom of the meter, after being garbage at best for 2 expacs, sounds like music to everyone’s ears. You guys want buffs just because what? You do 8% less dmg in BiS gear than… the highest dps that ISN’T a DK? gtfo here.

What you could do, instead of complain about negligible dmg differences across ALL classes is play the FOTM and have some fun, you’d rather be “pAlLY Or dIe!”, well I guess you’re gonna just have to suck it up.

This thread is now about RDF.

the ceiling is north of 12k and more than dks too btw and the ret ceiling is like 8100 thats nearly 50% not 8.

BURST. They quite literally can NOT do that for more than a minute or so. So come Ulduar, when fights are twice as long as they are now, it won’t be the case, hell, this phase is almost over, buffing pallies or w/e would be all for nothing… :roll_eyes:

It’s almost like you guys haven’t a clue what a regular boss fight is like, with a guild, on progression with mediocre gear. You all are catatonic, with GDKP in your eyes, and speed runs, and logs. Jesus, do any of you PLAY games anymore…? Does the meta have to be all these nonsensical things? 45 second boss fights is not the norm, even though most of phase 1 is. Chill.

I was simming p2 for 180seconds not 45seconds and UH DK was still top.

What’s wrong with that?

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It wasn’t 14k.

nothing but he’s trying to say UH is only good cuz of burst

That’s why they’re so far ahead in short fights, yeah.

no it was 12k like I said which is still 50% more than rets 8k.And before you say I said non-dk’s the story continues with warlocks and rogues as well.

Not ONLY, but the numbers it does achieve, yes. It’s top dps over a 3 minute fight, but not head AND shoulders. it’s like what, 10% above the next best? Negligible.