There was a topic here

I realized that the Story Forum is actually a very nice place full of cool people having neat discussion about the lore. It’s just that occasionally new people come in and bring the toxicity of other forum cultures into the Story Forum ruining that cool environment that the SF is trying to maintain


You claim that it’s exactly like SoO.

You claim that Jaina says they can never retaliate because it’s bad.

You refuse to show evidence that either of those things are true.

What happened for the Alliance in SoO? They attacked the Horde city.
They defeat/killed the city’s leader.
They said something to the Horde and then left.

Battle for Dazar’alor is probably worse because we got 2 faction leaders who became raid bosses that got defeated by the Horde.


Typical Alliance “wins” lol.

Google is your friend. Use it.

Exactly as I said.

Greatly exaggerating.


Proved wrong and he denies reality.
Well run along now little troll.

You got your links.

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You understand that there is a difference between an event that ends a war(SoO) and a key battle in the war?

You understand that there is a difference between giving the Zandalari a moment to mourn and never retaliating?

Lol get your head canon out of here.

I am repeating what she says. Nothing more.

“Press the attack as the Zandalari mourn their fallen king? That would make us no better than the Banshee.”

Jaina’s lines.

“swear to never retaliate because that’s what horde do and that’s bad.”

What you said.

You honestly don’t see a difference been not doing something “as the Zandalari mourn” and “swearing to never” do something?

What is the difference in practice?

There is no retaliation and the player is being told there will be no retaliation because = Honor.

End of story. The rest is headcanon.

I’m sick so I don’t want to go to work today.

I never want to work.


“We must continue the fight.”

~~Anduin Llane Wrynn

Genn: “We must attack before Sylvanas does something!”

Jaina: “No.”

Patch 8.2 Sylvanas does something.

Patch 8.3: B.O.B does something!

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Anduin: "We must continue the fight.”

Patch 11.6 Anduin becomes the Lich King like his ex-father-in-law before him, murders the Alliance and Horde and marries Sylvanas.

Because it was to make us the villains in out own story?

It is like the Alliance being happy about Jaina wiping out a horde city in a fit of racist hatred to become the Expansion villain that even Alliance people start opposing. Then, because when we destroy an Alliance faction capital, we complain that we didn’t get to be the good guys and be shown wiping out Alliance by the truckloads.

Now some people are going to claim the Alliance would be OK with that, but they only seem to claim that when they know it isn’t going to happen. When there was real speculation that Jaina might be a raid boss to make up for Garrosh, there posts weren’t “that’s OK”, but “two wrongs don’t make a right”.


Alliance players would scream bloody murder if Jaina was killed off as a raid boss. And I would be among them, by the way. I don’t know why these people have such a hard time understanding that many Horde players dislike working for a genocidal maniac. Like, its not hard to figure out.


Speak for yourself I want Jaina to die already. Anduin too. Genn actually helps Night Elves so he should live.

I should absolutely feel bad for you when you’re this self centered.


Back in MoP I would have been okay with her becoming a raid boss. When she abandoned the war effort in Legion I would have been okay with it.

My first response to her reappearance during the Siege of Lordearon was “Okay. That was badass. Implausible. But badass. Still hate her. Hope she becomes a raid boss for my Horde alts to farm transmogs.”

Now I’ve warmed up to her again.

I’ve enjoyed her storyline in BfA so far.


Anduin sends US.

We are more valuable than the combined force of the Alliance army.


you are just exaggerating all what she says is to not attack during the funeral.
as soon as it ends, they will push to victory.

Nothing more and nothing less.

i am going to be honest, i am so glad that they didn’t do it to please the people who wanted her dead.
while true, it would be fun to me destroy a horde city,if that were at the cost of her i would say is not worth it