There was a topic here

I don’t know why Ashvane wouldn’t put all of her forces into the attack on Boralus. That was her big power play, and it was completely defeated. I don’t think she has much left. It does raise the question of why Sylvanas wants her, though.

Go look at wowhead and learn about the events and point out where I am wrong because I assure you I am accurate in my description.

If you don’t like it then just move on.
I don’t like people ignorant of the facts pretending they know what they are talking about.

@Aedren read this again. Sylvanas never loses anything of real consequence ever.

So in other words:


This is a beautiful chain of posts.



So in other words it’s not a victory. It’s a mild annoyance for Sylvanas at best.

She lost Helya’s lamp. That was a pretty big deal. Look, I get that you don’t like Sylvanas. I don’t either. But to just assume she will get a massive fleet to replace the Zandalari fleet out of nowhere is just baseless.

I see you still can’t point out where I was “exaggerating” anything.
If you have nothing but troll responses then move on.

I am getting tired of flagging you.

It’s not baseless. Ashvane has a fleet. Ashvane joins Sylvanas. Sylvanas now has a fleet. Sylvanas lost nothing.

Ashvane’s fleet was captured during the Siege of Boralus. When Sylvanas rescues her, Ashvane is nothing more then a wanted criminal.

Then why does Sylvanas want her?

My best guess? Info on how to assassinate Katherine Proudmoore. Where she hangs out, her habits, so forth, all for Derek’s mission. Ashvane also has some Azerite expertise, which could be important as well.

For her Azerite tech and probably more Pirate mercenaries she will materialize from thin air.
I expect missions for the Horde player to go to Ashvane corp and steal azerite weapons from there.

Derek is Katherine’s son. Why does he need Ashvane to tell him his mother’s patterns?

Derek’s been dead for a while. People change. His mental state also isn’t very good, from what I’ve seen.

Forsaken have free will. Sylvanas doesn’t use mind control.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

She tortures Derek to essentially brainwash him. Its not mind control, but its brute force domination. I don’t think Derek is getting the boilerplate Forsaken treatment.

That’s not how this works.

You made a claim.

It’s up to you to prove it.

What was my claim?