There was a topic here

There was a post here.


‘Not only have Night Elves had it bad, we’ve had it the worst. And everyone must know it!’


Imagine gatekeeping the concept of being upset about something.


This is very unfair.

The Horde players didn’t chose any of this. And Alliance players didn’t chose the human focus on our side.

Be mad at Blizzard. They’re the ones giving us all bad story.


I would offer zero of ten, but I know somebody will bite. So 2/10.

EDIT to reflect that the OP has now earned 5/10 due to an increased frequency of bites.


And they wonder why they are so flammable.


 another Kaldorei Player pity party thread where they lash out against everyone. The Horde players didn’t choose this narrative, and we’re stuck being the aggressors again when Blizz did absolutely nothing the address the massive power-gap between the Horde and Alliance before hand.

We’re weak, so weak in fact that “A Good War” makes it VERY clear that even with the majority of the Horde fighting a SINGLE Alliance race (on the continent with our PRIMARY seat of power) we’d lose if we fought the entire Kaldorei army AND/OR if Tyrande and Malfurion were both on the field.

I don’t care how much of a power fantasy NE players think they should have, that’s insulting. What personally bothers me is more HOW we won, rather than beating the snot out of the Kaldorei (a largely militarily stagnant civilization that has not adapted to keep pace with their neighbors) itself. Even with:

  • The Horde’s last decade of explosive advancement and innovation.
  • The addition of the technological power of the Gobs.
  • The Arcane expertise of the BEs and Nightborne.
  • The chemical and biological proficiency of the Forsaken.
  • Blackfuse & Iron Horde tech and tactics at our disposal.
  • Warchief Sylvanas (the brilliant former Ranger General of Quel’thalas) AND Saurfang (the single MOST veteran Orc battle commander we have) leading the charge.

 we’re not allowed to have a victory of force. We’re not allowed to win through traditional military means. We can’t outpower a SINGLE Alliance race sitting right next door to us, because ultimately all those assets we’ve accumulated over the last 10 years are worthless in a narrative that increasingly centers around the all-importance of OP HEROES; And we Hordies have not enjoyed the same influx of One-Man-Army style characters the Alliance has. We Horde players are forced to be “the aggressors” in a war we’re told we could never win if the Alliance wasn’t handicapped. It sucks


Still won the war. Orgrimmar / Mulgore still stand.

Undercity was lost on your terms and was properly evacuated. So you’re not out thousands of innocents burned alive.

What good are One-Man-Army style characters when they never get to do anything because of Horde bias?

Where is the Vindicaar? Why does Tyrande decide that Malfurion is more important than a world tree with no less than 2 villages and a city inside it when he wasn’t more important than a single temple and a corrupted lizard? Because if she had left the most powerful mortal on Azeroth to heal himself she could have actually stopped Sylvanas.

Because the Horde has to win or else the Dev’s would have to write their favorite faction losing. Horde players have nothing to complain about. You’re coming out on top everytime like you have been for eight years.


Like social media?

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People should be mad at Blizzard, definitely. Folks on both sides need to be throwing fire at them for writing the same crap over and over again, instead folks target each other and it’s obnoxious.


Except nobody is out thousands because populations are without precise number. There are as many as the story demands. The Blood Elves were less than 10% of their pre-Third War population. Yet they’ve been heavily involved in every major conflict since then. Even post-Genocide, the Night Elves still throw themselves on the front lines.

She doesn’t.


We’ve been genocide fodder, generic bad-guys, and subservient to the Alliance at some point in our history. I understand that Teldrassil was bad, but lets not use it to to discredit Horde outrage at the stroy plz.

We have too, when you think about it. Orcs were the original evil monsters for the human Alliance to slay.

Thank you for the job, i promise not to let you down :wink:


Pretty sure Nelf fans have got nothing on the WC2 Horde crew if we’re going to be petty enough to measure the worth of grieveances purely by thier age.


She does actually. Go replay Val’sharah.

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Someone already made a thread about this, and how it’s not good for the story on either side.


I’m saying the first statement isn’t true, not the second.

I’m a little envious of Night Elf posters. They get to RP mentally imbalanced self righteous victims in every thread. It looks like a lot of fun.



The last expansion was the absolute worst.

It was all humans all the time.

There wasn’t a single Night Elf character that did anything important in like the entire expansion.


C’mon man


I haven’t seen anyone else say this, so I will. As a Night Elf player, the direction of the story is certainly upsetting to me, but that doesn’t give any of us the right to insult, belittle, or demean Horde players. They are not responsible for any of the bad things that have happened in BfA, and have suffered more than their fair share of indignities themselves. To Horde players, I just want to say that Syaeles certainly is not representative of all Night Elf players. I hope that both factions will get satisfying, in-character storytelling in the future. :slightly_smiling_face: