There was a topic here

What did you think about Cataclysm leveling zones?
Horde was consistently doing very questionable things.

Ashenvale and Stonetalon along with Silverpine, Hillsbrad and Western Plaguelands.

All involved Orcs, Goblins and Forsaken doing some really… messed up stuff.

Then you’re playing the wrong game. This game is cartoonish, from the graphics to the story to character feats. You’re playing a cartoon bro.

All I can say is that BfA, and Teldrassil in particular, is a whole new level of awful.

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“I’m winning but not the way I want to win. Waaaaah”

You know… you both agree on the same thing right?
So mocking him or his opinion is not that smart.


Sure it was worse but again.
Did Cataclysm or MoP not give you any pause?

No, I actually don’t care about winning if it has to be done this way. Seriously, I’d rather the Night Elves had started off the expansion by burning Orgrimmar than have this. I can’t pretend I would have loved that, but this is worse.

They did, yes. I didn’t actually play much during MoP for RL reasons, but when I did, I mostly just stayed in Pandaria and ignored Garrosh as best I could.

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We don’t. I’d of rather had it been Tyrande and Malf that decided to raze Orgrimmar to the ground than more of the same where the only time Kaldorei get attention is to be slaughtered en masse.

Edit: Welp…

He is literally saying he has had enough of his faction having stupid easy “victories” that make them feel bad because they are probably destroying places they also played in with their own NE characters and fast forward couple of months they have to pay for it and rightly so.

For 3 expansions Alliance has been getting hit in the face and if Blizzard doesn’t deliver a satisfying conclusion they are going to piss off a LOOOT of people.
And to satisfy people they have to punish the Horde and Sylvanas.

Crap feeling on all sides.
I personally think the misunderstanding on the Broken Shore should have been explored.
Andiun losing his father again? That’s got to be rough. Alliance is the aggressor and Horde is not evil.
Everyone is happy.


“It’s so totally unfair that in 8.1 the Alliance are stomping the Horde because it’s not the Night Elves alone doing it. Waaaah.”


To be fair they are not even stomping them.
Its exactly what happened in SoO.

Come in. Kill a guy. Leave and swear to never retaliate because that’s what horde do and that’s bad.
And I am quoting Jaina here and thats considering in her Warbringers it literally ended with “Beware of me”.

Like yeah… thats great Jaina.

That’s not what happens.

Thats literally what happens.




Audio files?

Jesus go look at Wowhead.
When you are done reading that let me know.

Some shiny boats that are getting replaced with Ashvane’s fleet of pirate ships are not even remotely close to an equal trade for Teldrassil and the thousands of Kaldorei that burned with it

Didn’t Ashvane’s pirate fleet surrender? Like, it was completely outmaneuvered and outgunned, and it surrendered. Not much of a Horde war asset.

Sylvanas breaks her out and I highly doubt the 4-5 ships was all she had. Cause that would be Sylvanas actually lost something of value and Nathanos wouldn’t allow that when he’s senior writer. I mean Steve Danuser.

Honestly numbers never made any difference in WoW.

Soldiers and ships popup as needed.
Losing “half” of anything short of settlements or characters is really meaningless.

Nowhere does it say that the Alliance does this:

You either remember incorrectly or you are greatly exaggerating.