There needs to be a deadmines skip

Or drop group do something else for a bit and requeue and get a different dungeon.

Which is a stupid solution for everyone involved.

They don’t know.

It’s not my desires, I think the change would be cool but I really do not care one way or the other. I am fine with leaving it how it is. But telling someone they can just “not queue for deadmines” while knowing the only reason they are doing it in the first place is for valor rewards is slow.

Hilarious that people think Blizzard is going to A) read these posts and B) delete a dungeon from the game because some people don’t like it


Ironically the time it takes you to do all that would be when youd be done or close to done with Deadmines.

Its hilarious how people actually waste more time leaving queues. Especially if youre a dps.


This mentality is what makes zero sense to me. “I can’t do a 20 minute dungeon but I can take a 30 minute debuff.” Just finish the stupid dungeon, take your valor and go on your way. It isn’t the end of the world to do that dungeon once a week if you’re valor capping.


It took like 40 minutes. 20 minutes is acceptable, even if it were tedious. It was just 40 minutes of dungeon I did not enjoy at all. I don’t want to repeat that. I’m playing a game and I want to have fun. That’s the whole mentality I have.

Lol… no one logs dungeons.

Second, even if it was 20 minutes. That is faster than 30 minutes. You are wasting time afking

Or… do the dang dungeon get it done faster then do the other thing and have spent less time overall.

I swear people have bad time management skills.


I did it in 8 minutes and 37 seconds… not sure what YOU’RE doing wrong Lmaoo.

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Damn, this man brought receipts, but regardless, you’ll still get the contrarians arguing for argument sake.

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The problem of your mentality is you’re taking one experience and talking like you’ve ran it multiple times to the same result. I run it every single day trying to get that axe, and I was a day 3 heroic runner. That isn’t including any of the random queues I get for it to cap valor. As people have gotten better gear, the runs get faster and they will continue to get faster. But it’s your money, if you can somehow justify waiting in queue and then waiting another 30 minutes to then wait another queue for a 20 minute dungeon as less of a time waste, then you do you, Boo.

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I’m talking like I only have so much time to enjoy a game I want to play and Deadmines is not it. I do not enjoy that dungeon. Long and tedious for no real payoff. I will jump ship every time, and it appears a lot of other people share that mentality.

I’m not doing something I don’t want to do so someone can get an axe, but I’m sure there are plenty of others who are available to fill my spot.

I will touch grass, do arch, or dissociate for 30 minutes. All more enjoyable to me.

Queues are <1 minute and WoW tokens mean I’m not paying for anything. It’s all justified and a-okay with me.

As long as you’re happy, and the forums are far from “A lot of other people.” 8 people moaning about it isn’t even close to the majority who do it. I don’t even need 1 hand to count the number of times I’ve seen people jump ship in my 70+ runs between my prot warrior and hunter, and myself have only jumped ship when Blizzard in their infinite wisdom queue three hunter together because they’ve somehow forgotten that 3 bazillion DK and Arms warrior exist not including other DPS classes.


They added extra incentives to Oculus in Wrath Classic.

Right? Whew–good thing we dodged that objective evidence that DM is a sucky and boring slog after experiencing it the first time.

Deadmines sucks and we all know it. Ability to blacklist 1-2 dungeons and 1-2 BGs from the random rotation is a great idea. Abomb has good ideas for the game, bunch of hardcore addicted purists always jump on him. Yall are out of touch.


Ah, an Abomb alt. Now it makes sense


I am sorry you think of deception when you see compassion. God help you.

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Okay, Abomb

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I mean if they added a shredder mount to DM that would certainly help.

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What’s slow, and I mean really slow, is:

  • Pretending a feature to queue for specific dungeons doesn’t exist.
  • Because in reality you want to bypass the incentivisation mechanism specifically designed encourage making yourself available for any appropriate dungeon.
  • Thinking no one will call your bluff.
  • Then when someone does, resort to whining “but, but my valorz”. :roll_eyes:

And it’s also delusional to think that blizz would undermine the features designed to incentivize the “all dungeons queue”, by allowing full rewards for a “specific dungeons queue”.

However, since the complaints seem to focus on the dungeon’s duration to earn the valor, I’m curious…
How much reward would people be willing to sacrifice to skip DM?
Would you select any dungeons to skip if each dungeon on the skip list halved your valor reward?