There needs to be a deadmines skip

The random queue reward was only added because blizzard didn’t want to try to sync the daily dungeon quest across all realms, had nothing to do with incentivizing random queuing.

And when we get H+ in Cata chances are it’ll use the same system as wrath where you can do it in any dungeon.

So let’s see if I understand this…

  • Daily dungeon is different on different realms.
  • So on Realm A players queue for D1 and Realm B players queue for D2.
  • Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be a concern, as everyone is queueing for the exact daily dungeon they need.
  • But it certainly undermines the entire cross-realm dungeon queueing system.
  • And so blizzard adds a special reward if you don’t queue for a specific dungeon.
  • Players doing the daily easily get the dungeon they need, everyone else gets a bonus reward.
  • And all players can fill their groups cross-realm if necessary.

But this has …

Got it! :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Simple problem to fix… Buff the rewards to a point where people WANT to play it.

Pro tip there was already a daily dungeon quest for heroics with special rewards before RDF. They didn’t look at RDF and go oh we need to incentivize people to use it so let’s add a daily reward for it.

Now as far as incentivizing people to actually queue random they do have a system explicitly to do that, the satchel of helpful goods. Oh let me correct that they also had another incentive explicitly for using RDF with randoms at launch the perky pug :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know whether you failed to understand my point, or are failing to communicate yours, or a combination of both. But you are legit directly contradicting yourself.
And I’m curious what your point is, so I’d like to try clear up the confusion.

You said:

You now go on to mention 2 special bonus reward incentivise random queueing:

My point was:

  • There are 2 dungeon queues: (1) random dungeon (2) specific dungeons
  • And to the best of my knowledge, ever since day 1 that the feature was released, the rewards for queue (1) have been better than queue (2) to incentivise players to use queue (1).
  • So why would blizz start matching the rewards for players who don’t want to run DM?

In your most recent post, you clearly agree that the random queue is incentivised with better rewards. So I don’t understand why your earlier post disagreed that the random queue is incentivised.

Correct I mentioned two rewards that are explicitly for using RDF and actually helping the random queue. The daily RDF reward is not that, it was an existing reward that was moved from quest givers and baked into RDF, it can also be gotten without helping the random queue at all.

It’s a very not subtle difference.

But that’s not the issue at play in this discussion.

The problem here is players don’t want to queue specific dungeons to avoid DM, because they lose out on certain random dungeon rewards. It matters little what that reward is or where it (or the equivalent) was available in Wrath. blizzard made the decision to tie it to the random dungeon queue.
If they didn’t want to use it to encourage use of the random queue, they could have granted the same reward on both queues. And certainly, adding a feature to make the random queue be “not random” would undermine all incentives tied to that queue. Not only the specific reward (valor) that the the aforementioned players are concerned about.

It seems to me you might be putting too much weight on how things operated in Wrath to discount the better rewards as an incentive? Things change between xpacs. Using the previous xpac as a predictor/guide for the new one has limited value.

Unless there’s something more concrete than what you’ve offered so far, I see no reason to accept your opinion that blizzard isn’t using valor to incentivise the random queue. There’s no significant restrictions to what they might choose to attach to that queue as a reward.

The concrete evidence is that the reward, well the badges originally, predates RDF.

Gold and bags with items in them also predate RDF.
Your argument is invalid.

Skip right to the laser part, I just love that part.

Watching all the Pagle and Grobb players die over and over is just so wholesome

I pass on the orb cause I’m a good little boy that doesnt have tailoring/lw/bs and therefore don’t have any need for it.

But yeah up to a certain point there is loot… But once you are full 346 it really is just valor.

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There are very few people that log dungeons, but those that do try to do it fast as possible so it’s pretty good data to look at to see the disparity between the different dungeons.

And people think because I said the fastest time is 20 minutes that it = 20 mins foeveryone, when it’s likely 30-40 on average.

Also if I dodge dm I just go on another character or do something else, it’s just not a good use of time.

It wasn’t 30-40 minutes even during week one. You have to have a bad group for it to be 30-40 minutes… or maybe one that just actively does not use the mechanics of the dungeon.

Everything depends on the group you get.
That’s the very definition of PUG.
Otherwise, you can run a premade where you’re certain everyone knows exactly what to do, and challenge speed records.

So the normal group if you’re solo queuing.

As a tank, I don’t fancy doing this dungeon at all.
Not a fun place to be from no matter which aspect I try to look at it.
One of the reasons why I am avoiding doing random heroics at the moment.

It’s just selfish people being selfish, Blizzard shouldn’t cater to selfish players.

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The last boss is a little lame. I got to share that as my opinion. It in essence is a… lets just kind of redo about half this joint again. If I remember correctly they clip this at some point in the future, not sure if it was Cata, but it might be worth exploring once you hit like beta, gamma, etc because by then I can only imagine most everyone should have seen the story beats, what it was originally, and then it can just become a typical 5 man type run. At least in my opinion it seems like a fair compromise. Also lets you still run what it is now if you just do a standard heroic so it doesn’t go anywhere, but for the most part it can be skipped later in the expansion.

You take that back!

Make ripsnarl not dissapear during his fog phase.

Could probably delete the two worgen trash packs in the nightmare.

I typically heal and just tab out when ripsnarl dissapears because its so boring.