There needs to be a deadmines skip

Deadmines takes me 15 min max idk what you guys are doing wrong Lmaoo

Is this where retail master race says "put all loot at the end of the dungeon like mythic+ and just roll it all off?

Now they just need to add the same valor rewards for doing specific dungeons that they do for random ones.

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Ive had more people drop on Halls of Origination than Deadmines…

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You do not do deadmines in 15 minutes.


Yeah… I never get players dropping DM… I only get playing dropping after the first boss in GB and HoO. Then ditching SFK entirely.

Not really… the entire point is that you are supposed to be helping others do the dungeon they specifically queue for. You are paid valor so they we don’t end up with dead dungeons no one does.

So your options, if you want valor, is either do the dungeon… or wait 30 minutes to do another dungeon. One you can do faster. The game isn’t about you. You are not the main character.


Isnt that long he says, after doing the nightmare that makes you backtrack huge chunks of the dungeon to fight the bosses again

Oh I know the options, I am just pointing out that telling someone to simple not pick Deadmines is devoid of all logic.

I am perfectly fine with leaving a dungeon if I don’t want to do it, got plenty of other things I could do on alts.

Mad because bad. Deadmines has no challenging mechanics.


The nightmare sequence isn’t even half the dungeon and takes less than 3 minutes. You spend more time killing trash between 2 bosses in any other dungeon than it takes to finish

The dungeon only feels long because it has more mandatory bosses than other dungeons. Time is significantly saved outside of the bosses by using the resources within the dungeon for bigger, and faster, pulls, namely the monkeys in the goblin tunnel and the cannons at the beginning and on the ship. Any group with half a braincell should have no trouble finishing under 20 minutes, if it takes you longer than that you’re bad

The fastest log posted on wcl for dead mines is over 20 minutes, so either you queue into the most godly pugs that all speed run it and never bother to log it or you are blowing smoke.

Btw that is 4x longer than the shortest dungeon and twice as long as the rest of them.

Deadmines is an instant /afk for anyone doing valor.


Lol @ logging dungeons


The whole point of better rewards for a random dungeon is to incentivise you run a dungeon you’d ordinarily not be that keen on. If the incentive isn’t enough for you, then you can queue specific dungeons with a lower reward.
Now, given the above, what would be the logic in allowing players to ignore dungeons they don’t like, while still having the benefit of queueing for maximum reward?

Don’t confuse your self-centred desires with logic.


I just ran heroic DM for the first time.

We didn’t even wipe and it took 100 years.

Seriously though, if I find myself in it again I’m just gonna leave. Way too tedious. I’d rather take the 30min L and go touch grass.


It’s not better reward its the only reward after a certain point.

And to some extent I agree, but having it be double or triple the length of each other dungeons makes it an outlier.

I queued into the dungeon today with a group midway just after the foundry and it felt like a decent length for a dungeon to be

There’s always loot rewards.
At a minimum you get to roll on the orb after the final boss.
If you have any crafting profession, that’s a 1 in 5 or better chance at a pretty decent reward.

Have you checked raider io? I heard someone did a deadmines +27 in time!

That was kind of the point when the daily dungeon was added in TBC and it was actually a fixed dungeon. The reward was changed to being tied to RDF because blizzard didn’t want to try to sync the daily dungeon across multiple realms.

And as people have noted deadmines is so disliked(partly because it’s so long) a lot of people consider it a better use of their time to just drop and requeue later to get a different dungeon.

IF we get H+ in Cata they’ll probably do wat they did in Wrath and the rewards will be from any dungeon with a quest turn in for the daily.

How sad you want to exaggerate.

You end up at the 3/4 mark. You fight 2 adds, dodge rotating balls, fight 4 or 6 birds as you run and get huge speed boost, fight two more adds and fight the boss at the end. That is not a chunk of the dungeon.

Don’t like it, queue directly for the ones you want.

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