There is no significant downside to cross-faction grouping

/edgemode I make pieces with my enemies.

So here’s my thoughts. We as the players were seen as freelancing adventurers for the first few expansions of this game. While we had a faction we were members of, we were never really a part of the standardized army.

That changed when they went to a story more centralized on the player character. It definitely went away in legion, when for the paladins at least, you became the leader of the Silver Hand. But even then, we were neutral to all the other paladins in existence.

Make a story up where the player characters get fed up with the war BS, and the players, both “horde” and “alliance” group together, and tear down the Horde and the Alliance, and slaughter their moronic leaders for the massive amount of drama and stupidity they put us through. I’d sign up for that.


Only downside I see is raids and group encounters that are designed with the faction story in mind, Blizzard will have to change our races inside the instance. Which we know they can do. We have at least two (that I can come up with off the top of my head,) that do this same mechanic.

Outside of that, I don’t really think there is either.

Lorewise? Nop, lorewise only azshara. Rest they didnt team up not even legion which was all order halls with alliance and horde skirmishes.

There are actually people invested in this echo chamber?

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Or a story where the Horde and Alliance try to find peace but realize the greatest monster the world has even know is the PC. The entire xpac involves the PC running around and killing EVERYBODY for 27g and 50 Psychopathic Murder Hobos of Azeroth rep.

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Im not going beyond this point, desensitizing yourself to the story of the game you play is a personal choice even if the writers have been dropping the ball regularly.

Again, there has yet to be a single point of time in this game with every existential threat we’ve faced in which we have not actively continued engaging in warfare, literally not a single instance.

The faction conflict has been the driver of this universe since it’s inception. We can’t ensure ever lasting peace with rival factions in the real world that we aren’t engaging in warfare with, what sense does it make for two factions in a fantasy world to hug it out after numerous atrocities have been reaped upon each other? Talk about bad writing…


It abolishs the faction when your faction is pointless to progression, could aswell play on private servers they have this system.

Not hardly, clearly you don’t pay attention to lore, if you think the alliance and horde have -only- ever united against Azshara.

Factions literally only matter in PvP.

Outside of PvP, factions literally mean nothing, and have meant absolutely nothing for years at this point.

It has been addressed for literally over a decade, that the horde vs alliance faction war simply only hurts both sides, and leaves them more vulnerable to their enemies.

It’s an ongoing point that is hammered home over and over again from expansion to expansion.


Hey how about in BC when… wait a minute

Or in WotLK when… wait a minute

or Cataclysm when… wait a minute we weren’t actually working together then either

ooh what about in MoP when… wait

or WoD when, damn it…

or Legion when!.. wait…

It has never happened.


Gameplay wise we alsp have no reason to not learn how to be mages/paladins/warlock too and have hunter tanking. It surely would achieve all what you listed too and is still as asnine as the other idea.

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I mean the world at large has accepted Germany back into the fold. If we can accept them after what they did, we can “hug it out” here too.

Except not even remotely similar.

Having more class/spec choices doesn’t change that dividing the player base is serving no functional purpose anymore.

EDIT And just to be clear. The Alliance and Horde have only worked with each other twice in WoW’s lifetime.

The Ahn’Qiraj War with the Might of Kalimdor and the start of Legion. Every other time it was a case of “We’re not fighting you today” and pointing their weapons at the same enemy.

BUT despite that there’s more than enough room to move the story away from a constant war between the two factions, at least enough that would allow the players to actually play together.

Factions have nothing to do with RPG.

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Quit the stupid RP here. Fact is cross-faction grouping for some activities will not really hurt anyone. (I don’t know about guild) Factions really only matter for PVP, and most people don’t really participate. And even then, people can figure out that you group up for raids/dungeons but go kill each other in Warmode.

Nobody sane really cares about lore. It is all made up to support gameplay. I don’t give a crap what Horde has done according to made up Lore that can be totally rewritten at a moment’s notice.

As far as being able to whisper players of the other faction, I think we should be able to do that. In real life, enemies can still communicate regardless of how much they hate each other. If might have to be disabled in Warmode so that somebody does not operate as a double agent or something (turning on Warmode on a faction that you actually want to help defeat.

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Lorewise each tier is won by a faction. You dont play nor pay attention to anything at all if you didnt even know that. ICC and Onyxia were beaten by the alliance for instance. Lady vash was killed by horde etc etc. It affects progression as a whole and literally terminstes the alliance players because horde is just too overpopualted and will engulf ally making ally guilds completely pointless. Even pvp you could remove factions if you can in PvE because you already slaughtered the lore rofl. Sure NE now wanna go play with orcs and undeads that were proud of killing their family and friends, amazing writing lmao.


I just wanna be a Worgen or Draenei and raid with my Horde buddies. We don’t need factions merged, just let us play together.

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Lore doesn’t even make sense anymore.

And this is why Blizzard gets away with lazy writing and is a contributing factor to the demise of the role playing elements in this Role Playing Game.

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Ironically it matters more for pve and how to expand it than pvp which factions are less important outside wpvp. According to made up lore horde used humans to develop the plague and slaved them for amusement too. Now mah char can hang up with those kool guys lmao. Terrible writing and straightforward asnine and illogical.