To be fair, the OP wasnt exactly being openminded and forthcoming to other points of view. Sometimes people choose to fight fire with fire.
It’s what it’s.
To be fair, the OP wasnt exactly being openminded and forthcoming to other points of view. Sometimes people choose to fight fire with fire.
It’s what it’s.
Yeah maybe. But it is so recurring in every debate on this subject. It’s mind blowing.
Agreed. Im starting to feel like an instigator because im getting caught in arguments with both sides of the RDF coin. Truth is, a lot of outlandish stuff is said on both sides. Go figure…
It’s a good thing you understand game design.
How? You really could simply just form groups regularly.
What if I told you no-RDF would hurt my socialization? Using RDF is actually some of my fondest memories of wotlk. In fact it’s probably like 70% of my memories from that era. Sometimes people would still be from my server or I’d get the same person twice every now and then. It was always fun when that haplened! Other than RDF I didn’t really do any dungeons. Leveling Alts was fun and I oftentimes spammed dungeons through rdf. I probably wouldn’t have leveled up so many Alts without it.
Not being able to even start said quest because you are constantly looking through lfg and whispering people is a bigger break of immersion imo
This is purely player choice . A player chooses to sign up for RDF and chooses to enter the dungeon if they want to. It’s probably because they need a break from questing but not a break from leveling, a change of scenery per say. It’s actually great game design where the player doesn’t get burnt out because they can choose to change what they’re doing for a little bit.
I’m surprised to see an anti-rdf say xrealm is ok… that’s rare!
Then why are they just now allowing warlocks to summon from within a dungeon for the first time in the game. If devs thought the same as you, then this would definitely not be allowed.
That’s not very fair to tell someone what they want/don’t want. That person is allowed to want what they want just as you are.
Terrible word choice. Again, locks. Take it up with the devs. Also that’s like saying hearthstones are pointless… you must walk back to wherever you want to go so you can see the entirety of the game! Do you use your hearthstone my man? Have you ever accepted a summon?
Have you met every single npc in the game? Why would they spend so much time crafting incredible character models for you to bypass them completely??
Explain why you can’t simply just not use it? Because most players will be using RDF? So much about being a silent majority amirite. You’d think there would be an immense amount of people ready to form groups the good ole fashion way.
This is exactly what you are doing lol
Generalization and inaccurate but ok
But what about all the pretty entrances that they’ve worked so hard to create! You’re skipping all of those! You’re not appreciating them!
Walk to dungeon, que up. Wait. Boom, fixed.
This sounds like you’re contradicting yourself? Also you were going off about how RDF kills socialization but then you don’t want to be social? I’m so confused, you’re confusing.
So RDF doesn’t kill your socialization, your choice to play solo does. Got it. Also RDF killing lfg is laughable.
Same bro, same
And yet you are pro-boost able to skip all old content?
As someone who has worked for AAA game studios, I highly doubt this. Good try though with baseless assumptions about other people used as an argument for your case. DA
Pot, meet kettle…
This OP has mixed feelings about everything lol it’s kind of concerning
Yeah, they’re a full blown troll. And not a very good one.
We had it in WOTLK and it was a popular feature. Its easy to get burn out sitting around waiting for a group to form. Also more often than enough by the time you get to said dungeon somebody has to leave, then more follow and BAM 30 minutes wasted.
I don’t trust Blizzard, and I certainly don’t trust the systems they try and create when better solutions already exist since most of the time the systems are just bad.
So don’t support it, RDF doesn’t affect you.
This isn’t true until ZF
Horde get a port into Gnomer
No they don’t. If you think they do, name them.
The wings of SM are four dungeons. But sure, maybe Alliance could get ported to there the same way Horde gets ported to Gnomer.
Sure, it effects you. If it was there you’d probably end up needing to use it since most of the other players would use it. But that just goes to show that it’s a feature that players would like to have.
You can still talk to people in RDF dungeons. Nothing is stopping you. The barrier to doing that is completely on you. It’s like talking to people you see on the bus. Sure, you might not see them again, but that doesn’t mean they’re not real people.
Explain the difference between this and summoning stones?
What’s it like being that wrong?
If that’s his attempt at an honest discussion then he’s worse than a troll.
And yet Blizzard implemented something not entirely unlike what you’ve described.
I had a bad experience with RDF. That doesn’t make RDF bad. I had ten times as many bad experiences in groups before RDF came out. Does that mean finding group members through trade chat is bad?
No it wasn’t. It was never ever about that. It was supposed to be about that. That’s what everyone told themselves it was going to be about. And, okay, maybe that lasted for more than a few hours after it went live. Maybe even a few weeks. But that spirit has been dead and buried for years now. I don’t see removing RDF as being enough to revive it.
The devil you are.
What’s your source on that? At one point during Original Wrath a developer stated that over half of all accounts never made it to level 20. Over six million individuals who started playing WoW never leveled past 20. Most people quit at max level? Where on earth did you hear that?
Yeah it does? Already in Wrath Classic (prepatch) you get XP in battlegrounds.
Which statement are you basing this claim on? From the very beginning players made some pretty clear statements that the retail premade finding tool would be the best course of action and … that’s not what we have right now. How long is it going to take? Will they be finished in time for Icecrown Citadel?
I’m super casual in game, I’m hardcore at trashing the flimsy arguments of godawful trolls like you. I’m literally doing this instead of playing the game.
And that is why you don’t understand it. Because you’re just fundamentally wrong about it. The teleportation is a pretty big quality of life feature and was a big factor in getting people to use it, but the key feature is the automated matchmaking. The finding four other players who claim to be able and willing to perform the roles needed to complete a dungeon. That’s literally what most RDF advocates want above all else. The teleportation and cross-realm stuff filters down from there.
If you don’t want RDF then that’s exactly what you want.
We’ve hashed this out, it would be relatively simple (in concept if not necessarily so in execution) to implement an automated matchmaking (RDF) system that would not provide players an advantage over forming their own groups manually. If the developers truly wanted to support the “Spirit of classic” they can just as easily provide buffs, rewards, or some other incentives to encourage manual groups over automated.
This isn’t complicated.
And I want to be rich. As long as flying is more efficient than walking (which it always will be) and I’m lazy we’re not going to get what we want. The difference is, I can get motivated but we’ve already seen what happens when Blizzard tries to take flying out of the game. Hell, it’s a major system in the next expansion.
Why do you play WoW?
I suspect that they really want to make sure they don’t ever have to be in a group with anyone who doesn’t know how to get to Halls of Stone/Lightning without owning a flying mount - despite how that contradicts their argument that we need to appeal to casual gamers (the ones most likely to not have flying mounts.)
Prove it, post on your alt. Also - did you just type in something other than the third person?
So let’s take this step by step. RDF is a cancer on the community and brutally murders all socialization in the game by it’s mere presence. It’s only a lazy vocal minority of players like me who don’t realize this s00per obvious truth. But RDF is so addictive that all of you anti-RDF zealots won’t be able to form your own groups if it is implemented because nobody will be able to resist it’s siren call so you’ll have to use RDF or not be able to find a group? Ok.
It’s because they literally can’t commit one way or another to just about anything. They’ve had to backtrack so many “final” decisions over the years, that there is very, very little they could take a hardline stance on and be believed.
I’m not going to take the time to read 217 posts.
So I’ll just say,
Blizzard bring RDF back to WOTLK. You and I both know it will be a necessary tool in your bid to alleviate the dumpster fire that is your Classic server mismanagement.
Right because you will definitely be pleased for once and definitely won’t move your goal posts to the next trivial issue like dps queue times being an hour with RDF.
There is no pleasing you. I don’t blame Blizz for holding out on things like RDF and saving them for when they are a financial gain for the company.
There is no point in trying to win over the angry fan, especially when they keep a subscription for years on end just to complain on the forums daily.
My singular complaint is the lack of RDF. I have no other issues with WOTLK Classic. You’re free to project whatever you need to onto me, but I can assure you it’s a false assumption.
All I’m asking for is RDF. You can check my post history.
You’ll have to take my word on this, but I have canceled and renewed my sub multiple times throughout my history with the game. I have been here since Vanilla. I was unsubbed for almost a year during my last break, and I have been back for several months now. Not sure about the exact number. Covid has made the passage and recording of time fuzzy.
Nah you wrong by a mile homie.