There is no point in medium core

That’s not what I asked nor was aiming at.

Is “1 Life” a factor in “HC” with “SSF”, to be “HC”?

Or, is it just “SSF”?

You already said “no” to max leveled “1 life” as NOT “HC” for being “non-SSF”.

Trying to figure out if “1 Life” factors in, at ALL, for you, when it pertains to “HC”.

you’re getting weird man.
or hung up on labels or something.

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I’m just asking questions that you don’t want to answer.

You mean like you?

ok ill bite, what’s the fight you’d like to have with me you’re trying to pick?

You consider “non-SSF” as “NOT HC” (which IS a label, but I digress).

Since “HC” factors in “1 Life”, I’m asking if “1 Life” factors in, for you.

(Yes or no) Am I “HC” for “SSFing” DESPITE NOT abiding by the “1 Life” rule?

This ONLY requires a “yes” or a “no”.

no, now stop being weird.


Heh, hes a lost cause at this point. the more he posts the more people cringe


So, what you’re advocating for is a complete and total SSF WITH 1 Life, REGARDLESS of level.

I disagree with you.

As I find the Leveling and Endgame gameplays two completely DIFFERENT cultures.

SSF 1 Life for Leveling, yes.
Non-SSF 1 Life for Leveling, no.

SSF 1 Life for Endgame, no.
Non-SSF 1 Life for Endgame, yes.

Yes, I’m so weird for allowing you to explain your stance LOL

I disagree. They didn’t take as long to answer my question as some (not all) do.

yeah i mean we’ve been over this.
your idea is honestly my ideal servers. we both know we wont get that, I just want at least 1 server where the leveling isn’t nerfed into ground with trade/group/ah culture.

ideally we would get the 60 raid server and hc leveling server.
but lets face it, most people need their hc soft, so we get what the ptr offers.

That’s mot what you said in answering my


This was your response:

It’s still “no”.

The thing is, the primary (and really only) objective premise behind “Hardcore” is death = delete : which is, more or less, being preserved.

Most other rule-sets of the HC community exist either because A) they ensure that "non-HC players don’t “cheat” the experience or B) are “flex” achievements on top of HC.

  1. Limiting quantity of dungeon runs isn’t an overly large problem IMO. The primary concern I have is who (at what level) can group with who (at what level) to complete instanced content. Of your 3 concerns, this is the only one that I can realistically see being a “threat” to the “spirit of hardcore”

  2. AND 3. - The HC rules of no trading/no AH exist primarily because there is no way to ensure that the sender/seller is a “legitimate” HC player (ref: have died and still exist). Plenty of the “big” figureheads in the HC community have communicated this as the guiding principal of this rule before.

TLDR: Death = Delete is what defines HC, anything else existed to ensure the integrity of that rule in the absence of official HC, or to add additional challenge to the mode. Quit crying.

**Edit: it would be REALLY cool if Blizzard were to add Feat of Strength achievements for not using AH, not trading, not equipping items over X item level, not using professions, 0 damage runs, etc…


ITT: people acting as though solo leveling in a game that was designed for ease of solo leveling is something to toot one’s horn and act elitist about.


Must be like looking in a mirror.


Would be great - yes. I just hope for personal achievements or better yet titles.

I do not think those are possible in Era. I tried and got stuck at level 9. No more non kill Quests, all other quests were locked behind some kill-Quest, no more exploration, because those I had not yet explored, were areas where just breathing would get me insta-killed. But I’d love to be proven wrong here.

i think he means you take 0 damage, not you deal zero damage.

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Oh, that’s another kettle of fish. That would be … if not totally impossible at least a huge challenge.

Aye, take 0 damage yes. Though if game mechanics allow, either would be cool additions.

Someone, can’t recall his name, made it to mid/high 50s before failing.

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See ya never. Just use your addon and stop crying. Sorry you can’t gatekeep and feel as superior about a video game.


Man go and play on the RP servers with the addon and PRESERVE that wich made the game great and fun. The beauty of this reasoning is that you can be happy playing something yo deem fun and challenging while you let the rest of us mortals morons to be engulfed by the screw ups that blizzard will make with these HC servers. You are the one that is hurt my man. Blind and angry just because your precious rules are not the same for something called Hardcore. Go ahead and name yourself keeper of the OG hardcore challenge if that’s what you want. Again, the beauty of it is that you can actually do it…stay on bsb and hw and be happy.


I don’t get it either. Its a novelty idea yet they expect the company to spend 24 hours a day worrying about if it’s hardcore enough. The expansion is 15 years old,they’re likely working on Cata,plus their other regular version of Wrath,while pumping out retail content,while working on the next expansion. People expect way too much from 1 video game.