There is no point in medium core

I agree, if there’s no enforced RP walking, I’m out.

because in legit hc you couldn’t twink yourself. legit impossible.

I blame the cats, they’re so haughty.

I would argue that leveling up multiple professions as you level, drop a profession, level another etc…is in a sense a small form of twinking. Just a heck of a lot less efficient and more tedious. It isn’t full on max twinking with crazy enchants, but most softcores wouldn’t even touch professions til a mount lol. I think the video from Captain Grimm did a pretty good job at showcasing that recently lol.

This is actually the biggest issue.

Maybe I am the odd duck. I always start professions asap which is lvl5. No sense in waiting until I have a mount. The money earned from the gathering professions alone can pay for the mount, even if you vendor it all without the AH.

I didn’t necessarily mean gathering, but more-so the crafting professions. Leveling alchemy to make potions, then dropping it to make xyz, etc. Gathering I don’t in any way consider in that category.

I could get behind that, not just for HC but maybe as a SOM thing. Pre-GE Runescape vibes, everybody hawking their wares in the Stormwind trade district.


I like the idea of trading being restricted to like… 5 levels, and no AH. Would make the game feel more lively, imo, as people would be actively selling items in the towns instead of mindlessly posting on the AH.

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It would be great for RP, if you’re into that.

I am beginning to believe this no AH thing is just an attempt to boost the gold farmers/sellers profit margins.

The AH is much more efficient for botters. They focus on gold per hour earnings. Standing in town advertising would cut into their profit per time spent percentages.

BsB is more like Appealcore


OK I’ll play.

What makes non-SSF “soft” or “bad”? Is 1 Life, whether it has AH/Trading or not, NOT “hardcore”?

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correct, ruins the entire atmosphere of the game.
drops dont feel good anymore, there’s no hit when you random a good green or a bigger bag. because you likely already have better thanks to trade/ah. The dangers in the world? those aren’t real anymore, you just group to 5 and laugh at the content. if it’s really hard? just ask someone in your guild who is overleveled to come do it for you, maybe bribe them with some silver.

seems pretty HARDcore

SSF wont be able to do any of that though and its a single player mode, so that is irrelevant.

Maybe dark souls would be a better game for you?

Quick question.

IK some (not all) of the HC community has more leniency on level capped characters such as the AH and trading, but they still have to abide by the “1 Life” rule. Are they NOT “HC” despite having access to AH and Trading?

soft hc, sure.
hc lite, yeah.
actual hc? nah.

So no.

OK, so “1 Life” is either not the only reason to be considered “HC” or doesn’t matter, at all.

'Cause I’ve been SSFing for a LONG time and not getting much help from other people, but I don’t play by the “1 Life” rule.

Does that make me “hardcore”?

makes you a guy doing SSF on era
what do u mean