There is no point in medium core

KEKW this guy thinking appealcore is a more legitimate game mode than official, keep playing with your broken addon that doesn’t even genuinely do half the stuff it claims while over half the raiding population have appealed deaths - man it’s such a good look for HC players.

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People would be much more receptive if all of their points weren’t totally emotionally driven

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I honestly don’t get it.

It’s a personal challenge. If you don’t want to group or trade, what does it matter what anyone else is doing?

You can literally block trades and group invites in the base UI right now so I’m not really sure what more y’all add on purists need.

Y’all really just want some sort of differentiation so you can try and say you’re better then everyone else. You can tell by the way some in this community dog people when they ask for help at 2% hp or casually ask for buff and people rip their throats.

What’s ironic is the same people complaining about grouping and trading are the same ones to avoid any type “hard” in their hardcore and only do things “solo” with 10 other people around.

I personally enjoyed the SSF rules but I didn’t need the add on to play that way. I don’t need Blizzard to do it for me either.


Just want to add that I am not opposed or against Blizzard adding in a “SSF” mode because like not being able to res, it is nice to have some accountability for yourself and others also completing the challenege.

Tldr; blah blah blah


Hey, I’ve accepted false PvP flags and DC deaths like a champ :muscle:

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Era is working out fine for solo HC play. Thanks but I’ll stay here.

I really dont care what you guys do, I’d just like to have the mode supported by Blizzard instead of having to use an inadequate addon.


The current “hardcore” realm is just a normal realm with no restrictions and people are fine there, now on the offical hardcore realms, if you want the solo challenge, thats on you, if someone just wants to do a 0 death run casually, thats fine to, blizz put in a nice base to work with, if you want “more hardcore” restrictions, there is literally nothing stopping you from never using the ah, doing an only grey item run, never touching a dungeon.

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This guy probably has a dozen addons that help him safely quest.


If that ends up true then the “real” hardcore players are soft core.

There is no way in hell you’d catch me playing where people can easily cheese the add on and/or appeal.

Anyone calling blizzard servers soft core and sticking to BB or HW needs to get their head checked.

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Oh some form of IronMan - with green and blue gear, with dungeons, with potions, buffs, and gouping? I think you better read up on the rules for the IronMan Challenge.

Hardcore is mega-softcore as compared to IronMan.


I’m gonna call it hardcore lite. The addon brings more difficulty, and Ironman is much more challenging than either.
A good portion of these hardcore lite players really just want a regular fresh server imo.


Yes I think you are right. But I also think that the fresh-only-crew will leave after dying a couple of times. And after they have left, I am happy that Blizz has given us a server where IroMen in their different forms, HC addon users, and those just wanting to prove to themselves that they can do the one life challenge can all play the way they like.

What does this even mean? I’m so tired of this “fresh” word :roll_eyes:

Fresh, like starting from scratch on normal Classic Vanilla. Remember 2019?
By the way, I never refer to seasonal as fresh, it’s seasonal, and HC is hardcore.

This is the only one I agree with

You can call it what you like. The fact is that hardcore has always been 1 life regardless of how easy you think it is.

I can think of a lot of reasons to remove the AH.

I think the only reason Blizzard has not to is to not infringe on player choice…

Maybe go back to the pre 1.9 style AH.

Considering its a personal journey, somebody else getting those mats doesnt impact your own personal levelling experience.


Exactly, because that’s what it is. The variation is an easier version of the hardcore mode.

It is the HC mode. Playerbase doesn’t dictate what it is blizzard does. Blizzard has made multiple games with HC modes too so I’d trust them.

Add on Andy’s can say whatever they want but as soon as they tried calling their version Ironman, I could care less about their opinions.