There is no point in medium core

I mean it def makes it a tiny bit harder, but it is very easy to offset the added difficulty by playing a little bit safer.

In the end while SSF is good on mixed servers, or if you want to try it out, it is def a worse experience socially and removes interesting aspects and decisions from the player

Official servers are way better. None of the stupid rules

Those dumb rules kept myself and a lot of people from playing what you guys called “hardcore.” Way more people will now that real hardcore, aka 1-life mode, is coming out for the first time. Thanks Bliz!

The addon-“hardcore” community literally follows an entire page of rules, including gems such as no grouping.* Lol. So you can’t group with a friend? Have fun questing and see how far you guys get in a high-stakes one-life mode? Nope. No fun allowed.

In fact there were so many restrictions that the addon devs had to explicitly tell you what you ARE allowed to do. Literally straight from the “Community Rules”:

“All talents are allowed - go wild!”

“You can use ALL gear that you self craft or obtain yourself via quests, drops, or NPC traders (all rarities)”

Gee, thanks??

*Technically there was a duo mode you could do, accompanied by… guess what? More rules: No logging on without the other person. No ever leaving a zone the other person is in. No meeting up for the first time after level 2.

Along with the standard:
No ah. No trading. No grouping. No dungeon more than once. Just closed off huge portions of the game/entire features.

So pumped Bliz made real hardcore


I advocated early on for official to have duos and trios, to let us use the guild master npc to make teams, to give duo and trio teams team names, tabards, and a small shared bank. Further, I asked that instead of forcing players to be online together and in the same zone, to instead give a debuff equivalent to resurrection sickness when not all online and all in same zone. This would have greatly opened things up from how restrictive they were without opening too much at once. But no one went for that clearly.

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Yeah, because that sounds awful.


Official HC = no ressurections. That’s it.

The addon will always exist for the subset of players that also want iron man rules

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So it takes you months to reach 30? Lol. You’ll see these mats on the AH by week two easily. This isn’t hypothetical, it’s fact.

Yal gotta stop being crybabies about everything seriously.


The SFF players are already opting for the past of least resistance, and many of the SFF rules don’t make things difficult, and they do nothing which prevents people from using exploits.

If you want difficult, eliminate any use of world buffs while leveling, or buffs from other classes (no drive by buffing), you further lock down abilities and eliminate professions like Engineering which give things like taunt bots making the leveling easy. You also significantly reduce the level you can enter instances in, for example make dungeons like DM cap out at level 18, running it with a group of 20-21s is hardly a challenge. Lastly you eliminate appeals, they never should have been allowed, as there should never be any type of appeal for any death in a true HC environment.

That all said, if you need some sort of validation from the server for all your hard work, talk or work with the people making the Hardcore Addon, have it better track and manage achievements, where it can announce to all who use the add-on, which achievement you hit, which could give kudos to people trying actual difficult challenges.

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It ALWAYS bothers me that they can ask for WBs but not THESE buffs:

Right? They have NO issues announcing DEATHS, why not for SUCCESSES? Especially for all the bonus points you can get out of it for doing the extras like No Professions, No Mounts/FPs, Sticking with your STARTING Continent, etc.

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The tears of the Addon Andys are delicious.


Keep playing on the rp addon servers man. Quit the whimper

who hurt you, bro?
what is so bad about people wanting to preserve the experience that is the only reason Blizzard even made hardcore servers to begin with?

How does it hurt you if people want what made the game mode popular?

which you can do on your own by exercising some self control or continue to use the addon

the official servers allow you that freedom of expression and enjoy your game your way while others do the same in differing ways



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Dude, that name and profile pic though <3

And for real, not everyone is going to be happy with the implementation of the new servers…clearly lol. Never heard such a bunch of adults crying about something in my life though…for a mode that has been around since games were created and just self-imposed…

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That’s fine, I just think calling people “soft” and “bad” and telling everyone how it is insultingly isn’t gaining you guys any traction.


So as a for profit company they want as many people as possible playing their games. It would follow they want to appeal to a wide audience to pull more players in.

They likely went with the most common element of your character only able to play hardcore until death because it is the defining feature of the game mode in many other titles - including another belonging to Blizzard. Keeping it less restrictive allows for so many different ideas about additional, fun challenges to exist together.

sometimes the truth hurts.
it’s the same thing blizzard did with classic, give us the easiest version they can come up with, i get around half the community wants it easier, but what about the other half?
oh right “go play bsb” “just play on scuffed servers with people who have never played wow before” etc

Or you can just play on official using the ssf addon and rule set for yourself because nothing changes, cause you’re playing ssf

Ironic a guy coming from a guild who wipes to trash mobs in zg claiming everyone else is bad


you’re now telling me how to play, which is exactly what your crowd claimed i was trying to do even tho i have said in threads many times, often in response to you, we want own server.
not hard to understand.