There is no gaslighting about LFD

I don’t mean compared to original Wrath.

I’m talking about right now in comparison to having it and not having it.

But yeah I’m guessing we get some sort of compromise.

Do you understand what civil means?

We can disagree and be civil. We can be passionate and be civil. We can be angry and be civil. We can be assertive and be civil. There’s not a very fine line to be drawn between those and toxicity. I think you know good and well the temper tantrums, name calling, and manipulative threats are toxic.

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I know you think they think that the majority doesn’t want LFD. But I think they don’t know or care either way. This decision is purely a business decision and “the community” is uninvolved.

Without LFD in a modern wotlk setting, players on most servers will be forced to pay up and transfer to one of the few megaservers in order to play the game. Many will do this, because wotlk is our favorite expansion. Blizzard knows this. It’s purely to increase profits, please don’t devalue your own intelligence by believing the whole “community” nonsense.

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I’m not referring to any tone in the tweets. I’m referring to the decision and their reasons given.

Trolling is for people who enjoy it. I do not. I believe what I said.

Is that what people do now? If some one makes a level headed, logical, toxicity free point that disagrees with the mainstream, they’re accused of trolling?

God what a limited outlook on life. Seriously limited.

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Yes, and I know that having an even tone doesn’t actually make what you say any better.

Not always, but i think it’s a reach to say the blue tweets/posts were condescending, trolling, or had any other such derogatory tone to the player base. I think it’s a major reach.

you could even say he’s gaslighting you

Certainly, some of the unsub threats are real. I would wager money that most of them are being used to try to change the decision.

And sure you could say that, but gaslighting is intentional. Im not intentionally trying to mislead you.

This is ONLY true because it’s cross server. Because there’s no impact for bad behavior.

When you /ignore that person, you’ll both never see them again, and they’ll eventually run out of people to play with, if it’s only on the local server. LFD locked to a server is the best of both worlds.

Then don’t use it. Because by your logic, the people you don’t want, will be using it, and you only want people who wouldn’t use it even if available.

Not how it works. It will still be the most efficient way to do dungeons if it were to exist.

It’s just the quality of those dungeons would be severely degraded.

Right, but you will now be forced to deal with all those other people who don’t meet your ‘exacting standards’ now.

How exactly have people been doing groups for the past couple years then?

Have you seen the forums? There’s a “tank shortage”, a “hatred of the LFG channel” and a whole pile of people “just raid logging”.

The current situation is not good and LFD was originally introduced to fix the same problem. Which is would have done if it had been limited to the same server. It was cross server that tanked the community because it introduced a “no cost for bad behavior” element into the system.

Anyone claiming that “what we have right now is perfect” is not playing the same game as the rest of us.

Just don’t feed the troll with this guy. He’s posting from a retail alt that isnt even max level. He’s a liar, and he’s also the type of player that worries about comp in wotlk heroics (lol).

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Regardless if I am FOR or AGAINST RDF, the fact is that most want Classic Wrath as it was, not some stupid revisioning. Save that revisioning crap for Classic+ version.

As someone who actually plays TBC Classic and uses /4 from time to time. I got to tell you. Just because someone is on your server, does not make them better player then someone else from another server. You will always find someone who puts in what it feels like is ZERO effort regardless if its in RDF or /4 LFG channel…

There will still be a tank shortage with RDF.

Not really. It solved problems that didn’t exist. No one needs to be teleported to dungeons, groups don’t need to be automated.

It’s not. But to think that RDF is? Come on.

RDF just enhances this. If I’m a crappy player in terms of effort, I have to put in minimal effort if RDF is installed. Groups can sniff out my laziness if I’m not running to the dungeon or afking before summons.

Group automation definitely helped the game introduce new players. It was (and is in TBC) definitely a problem. LFG is a cesspool that no-one wants to engage in. The problem with the original implementation was that no-one ever saw other people again, so there was no permanent matchmaking effect. That’s where a server-locked version is an improvement.

Teleporting was a factor of the Cross Server element, because they were transported to a separate cross-realm instance server, which had no “outside”. Could it be dropped? Sure. Does it matter if they had it? No, not at all. The objection to teleportation is a purist nonsense argument, because we don’t “see” people out in the world right now anyway. It simply doesn’t matter.

Server locked RDF would be far better than what we have now. Perfect? No. But perfect is the enemy of good.

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