Seeing as you’ve contradicted yourself in these posts, it’s easy to see you claimed something and destroyed yourself.
Oh, the irony
Seeing as you’ve contradicted yourself in these posts, it’s easy to see you claimed something and destroyed yourself.
Oh, the irony
Thats not contradiction. Youre simply wrong, and will continue to be.
Saying “add on zones are no flight” and saying “the legion zone was no flight” is not a contradiction.
Alasa: “Hey you’re completely wrong because I say so”
Dalfurane: “Here’s concrete proof as to why you’re wrong.”
Alasa: “You’re wrong because I say so”
You did not prove anything, in fact you showed 2 of me saying the SAME THING. Done now, youre boring me.
So you do love to destroy yourself
Tanaan Jungle in WoD had flight
8.3 versions of the Vale and Uldum had flight
Nazjatar and Mechagon had flight
Broken Shore had flight
Argus was the exception in the xpacs that had delayed flight and Pathfinder achieves (WoD and beyond)
All of the xpacs except for Legion with no flight areas added in later patches had flight at or below the level cap that was available in the inital launch patch.
TBH I dont need flight at all. I dont love it or hate it. If it disappeared tomorrow it nothing would change for me.
Sure its convenient but…eh.
I was going to respond with this but I took pity on that person and just went with one example.
That poster was not even intelligent enough to realize that he/she could have brought in Isle of Thunder in MoP being the rare outlier in WoW’s history.
Id forgotten about Tanaan.
vale and uldum we already had flight in.
Naz and Mecha we had to get thru rep.
So i admit i forgot a couple. But given WOWs hate for flying, is it a surprise?
Best left forgotten.
Isn’t it funny that the ONE fact which supports your argument is best left forgotten?
I expected you to come up with that.
Are you still here? No matter what you or I say, Korthia isnt gonna be flyable. So whats to argue other than you thinking your ego needs a boost? I admitted i forgot a couple.
Why would I be full of Ego when I brought in the one fact to actually help your argument?
I even said I expected you to be knowledgeable and intelligent to come up with that. And yeah I’m still here. It’s a public forum.
aktee is bigger
It’s definitely not surprising. The important takeaway is that we’ve always had flight available in the most recent content for at least a portion of every xpac. Always. I don’t want SL to be an exception.
I do think it’s best to keep pushing Blizz to allow flight in all patch zones to match WoD and BfA. There is a precedent set in recent xpacs with delayed flight and that precedent is flight in zones added in patches.
Historically speaking, any new location added after flight is accessible tends to not allow flying, even going way back to the Isle of Quel’danas. Zones added prior to (or alongside) flight seem to vary, a la “elite” areas in TBC having anti-aerial measures, Wintergrasp being problematic in Wrath, Tol Barad in Cata, and more recently the Maw.
So there’s some level where I’m not really surprised it doesn’t work everywhere.
The title of this thread is technically correct.
We can’t fly in 9.1 content.
'Member when they did this in Legion and said it was a mistake to release Argus with no flying so soon after we unlocked flying? I 'member.
WoD, Legion and BFA let you fly in the zones added in the same patch as Pathfinder.
WoD - Tanaan. Legion - Broken Shore. BFA - Mecha and Nazjatar.
SL actually breaks the trend instead of following it.
since this has definitely never happened before I just like to point out that my favorite place to fly is the throne of thunder area…