This isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.
Bicmex is 2393 and went 4-2, and gained +0
tHerEs nO cAP
Top of the ladder gotta be somewhere.
It should just be infinity. Why doesn’t the top rated person gain 20 points every game?
Yeah why can’t we just go 4-2 and get 30 points forever haha
Just change your name to goku and get over 9000.
This but unironically
he should have gone 5-1 if he wants rating. there is no cap lol people just need to q up
climbing up to 2300 is ezpz, you just need to press buttons
climbing above that requires you to change the world a bit. you need to advertise and recruit people into pvp, grind them into dust on your alts, win trade with your other alts and finally get the mmr the fresh meat generated in the 1000s. Basic trickle up economics.
To be r1 you need to be truly otherworldly
Chanimal just farmed out 2400 in shuffle
These forums have taught me a couple things…
people don’t understand how MMR works, nor do they care to find out. [they made a blue post about it]
Most of you are way too concerned with MMR you’ll never achieve anyways. Kinda like how so many people swap races to utilize META racials they’re not even good enough to capitalize on.
Everyone seems more concerned with their rating, when they should be enjoying the game. Do you PvP to flex? or do you PvP because you enjoy it? If it’s the former, then stop. if it’s the latter, then who cares what you’re rating is?
anyways, that’s my $0.02… Do with it what you will.
the rating is obtainable by a lot of people if you look at their accounts they have history of being 2.4k+, Multi glads, etc. no one can hit 2.4k? no one the entire world is allowed to be elite? so no one is allowded to get the rewards?
not a single person in the world has hit this rating. so why are the achievements in the game?
at this time 1 person is >2400 and they just hit it
Plenty of people are elite, though.
Illusion is 1950 and weapons are 2100.
1 person hit 2.4k recently. 1 single person in EU
Okay, and later in the season it’ll be 10,000+ people or something. What of it?
Okay so your solution is that in the future more people will hit the rating
apparently only after inflation. and define “a lot” in comparison to the PvP community.
noone said this, and it isn’t true either way.
noone said this either and if you get the rating, like you claim so many do… you will get the rewards.
Yeah, blitz is the new shuffle.
But no one is 2.4k so how will they get the rewards?
(1 person is 2405)