There is an $800 statue. Yet you people mock people for wings for 6month sub

Yeh it’s unthinkable that video game companies sell video game merchandise to people who actually collect and see value in figurines…end /sarcasm. But ‘you are done’ cya.

I am just glad that I am not the only one that doesn’t like the mog suit, as I recall I was the first one to say it’s a clown suit…

Glad my fashion police are out in force ha!

And I’m over here still waiting on the Alliance side to get a nice statue…

Can we move away from Big Beefy Man Statue and onto like… something that’s not a fridge?

He’s just a troll that recently discovered himself, nothing to see here. Usually he makes threads that subtly bring up FF14 in an attempt to stir up trouble.

This thread and every single other one like it need a strong dose of “mind ya business”…


I think you may be too worked up right now. I’d suggest ignoring its existence. It will be healthier for you.

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Idk why, this game has been pay to win for years.

Why care about something like an xmog?

You have no idea what Pay to Win means

People are upset about the transmog because they feel transmog items should be something you get in game. Not something that you have to pay for outside of your monthly fee. They also have the fear that you will see cash shop transmog gear be a better quality than what you can get in game. If you look at the mounts and pets in the cash shop they are a better quality. I am not saying they look better because that is subjective but the overall animations, textures and specials are better. Look at the average transmog gear available to the average player. How does it stack up against this new set?

When it comes to the statue people just don’t have those worries. Since they do not have those worries there is no reason for them to “bash” the statue.

Christ do you people have him living in your head rent free?

I’m not sure how relating a statue that is being offered that exists in the Real World and for which you can pay if you like collecting toys and such to decorate your computer space, to an ingame item that is just pixels and for which we are being asked to pay real money, actually makes sense.

But if makes you feel better, go for it. I’m going to make a hot chocolate, some toast and jam, and play the game. That’s a much more tasty thing to do with my time.

The statue isn’t part of the game

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Salty about other people bein salty… this is worthy !! where’s the upvote

Buying something that I can’t do on my own is pay to win.

Paying to win at something.

You can buy gold thru blizzard.

You can buy rank 1 in PvP if you wanted.

You can buy full mythic raid clears.

You can buy any mythic+ dungeons.

This is pay to win.

You associate pay to win as buying an item that gives you an advantage over others as they can’t get that item or an equal item without buying it, this is an obsolete game model. The only games now days that do this are mobile games.

So once again in world of warcraft pay to win means exactly what I described above.

Ive had zero BS for my mount on the last 6 month sub reward. Ive no idea why this is suddenly a big deal… perhaps its because certain streamers moaned a bit about it and all their shill fanbois raged in unison.

Heya shills. Youre dumb (and massively inconsistent).

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As always with stuff tied to the 6th month sub… That’s how I already pay for my sub! It’s just a bonus for me. So yall can keep hating.

That being said this mog is not really something I even want lmao

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If i had room, i would buy each statue!

The Creed is Greed

What exactly are you done with? Playing WoW? If so that’s just uhh…stupid.