There is an $800 statue. Yet you people mock people for wings for 6month sub

I’d really love to get this Lilith statue but I’d be worried about something happening to it during delivery. If I could pay extra I’d have it delivered by guards and helicoptered straight to my door. :joy:

False equivalency to the absolute extreme.

Why would the existence of an $800 piece of artwork–whether you like it or not–offend you?

Like the transmog, and like the other items in the game’s digital shop, you don’t have to buy it. Its presence and very existence have zero effect on your life. The presence and existence of that statue has no effect on your gameplay, either.

Seriously. People are just working way too hard to find stuff to be outraged, offended, disgusted, or shocked over.

If your life is truly so free of worry and concern that you can spend this much angst over something in a shop that nobody’s making you buy and has no effect on your life whatsoever…then, OMG, go find some people in your community who need your help and devote that energy to doing something worthwhile.

Sweet mother of pearl.

Right? Like, for whatever reason, the outrage didn’t really materialize in full force (though there were a few anger threads) over the Mechagonian spark dragon, but the Halloween costume mog just threw people over the line. LOL

The absurdity was entertaining 3 days ago, but now, I’m just exhausted with it. Get a life, people. Seriously. Dig deep. Find one.

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If you know anyone that was kicked for having the store transmog:

You must have missed the previous statues too. This really isn’t an issue. This is something that exists outside the game. I could care less if someone wants to drop that money for it.

Is the statue available in game? If not sit down and relax keyboard warrior

THe issue with the wings is it is an item that can be used in game same issue people have with pets or mounts. No one has an issue with merchandise that is out side of the game , like statues, hats , t-shirts or full size Sylvanas simping pillows.

As for people kicking others because a person has the wings , well those people are retards and if I was in a group and that happened I would probably leave myself . I might not support the item being in the store but I support people being jerks about it even less.

Well Video game companies love their merchandise to be expensive because it’s not digital and such. That said, what’s so special about it that it needs to be $800 considering the other statues on there are less and even colored in? Is it meant to be in a sort of color style like those old statues you put on a shelf or something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh no! people want to commit to the game i play for 6 months and provide guaranteed revenue to the game i play and love!

This is an OUTRAGE!!!


And that is one count of malicious destruction of property with intent.

I paid 500$ CAD for the Illidan statue. I don’t see the issue. This one’s not my cup of tea cause it’s all one color but it’s still extremely detailed, and it’s probably more expensive because it’s limited edition. Talk about a dumb thing to be enraged about.

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Why do people care what other people spend their money on, it’s really none of your business. That being said $750 for 2 ft tall plastic statue? Just because it
says “limited edition”?

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Hey here is a quick thought…don’t like it don’t buy it. But complaining about what others do with their money is plain stupid

While the statue is stupidly made, I don’t think you can compare a limited collector’s item to a subscription reward.

Really, people getting kicked out of groups from wearing the fairy mog? That’s crazy.

The statue isn’t in-game content.

You’ve missed the entire point. Or you’re trolling.

I’m going to be nice and say it’s the former.

Blizz can sell whatever they want. Just don’t buy it if you don’t support it. I suppose them selling off old server blades was just as evil as this. What about warcraft related clothing, books, etc? Should we also be upset they aren’t included in our subscription? Why wasn’t Warcraft 3 reforged just a free addon to existing subscribers of WoW? It’s the same game universe so it should be free.

Personally I believe there’s a difference between real life collectibles and in game items.

I’d never fault anyone for buying a collectors edition of a video game, or collecting statues.

Then don’t buy it…

Also, why are you conditionally disgusted based on how a streamer and the forums react to something you don’t have to buy.

Also, I know of a restaurant that sells a $1,000 omelette. Commence whining.