There is an $800 statue. Yet you people mock people for wings for 6month sub

I give up.

This abomination. This $800 thing is in the store. It doesn’t give you sub time to a game you obviously play. It doesn’t give a discount for “Bulk buying” sub time.


This is a $800 statue.

And yet we have people freaking kicking people from parties over wearing the fairy wings. At least those come bundled with something MANDATORY to play (the subscription).

If Asmongold doesn’t bash this with the same level of impunity as those stupid fairy wings I am done.

This is absolutely ridiculous. This is literally disgusting.


what gives you the impression that we arent going to bash that too though? there was a thread earlier talking about how the cheaply made the limited edition version of it was.


I hope to the same level.

Because this is absolutely revolting. I literally feel like I’m gagging seeing this price.

It doesn’t even have color for it. At least with LoL’s limited twisted fate statue it was colored. And like half the price.

This… is unforgettable. This is so SO egregious.


so all that uproar over an xmog set was from some jagoff saying it’s BS?

the sheeple here are worse than those political ones.


thats nu age blizzard for ya theres a reason why all the old guys who made blizzard the giant what it is have left.


Right. But are you LITERALLY SHAKING and in tears?


No, just gagging cause it’s so gross.

I’ve learned back at “do you have phones” fiasco years ago to not trust blizzard to not be massively money grubbingh.

Which honestly amazes me that they haven’t opened up character classes. Imagine the money on MTX to race change my goodness…

I got the xmog without purchasing the time. I work 70 hour weeks and if some neckbeard wants to mock me for my xmog choices in game then I hope he gives me a good laugh in the process. I don’t play the game for him. I play it for me.


If you’re not literally shaking in tears then your ignorant outrage doesnt count. Sorry. Maybe next time Ill care.


The only people that are going to spend $800 on a statue right now are people that are so well off that even in this pandemic they have no cares for where their money goes.


Out of game stuff is held to a different standard than in game stuff. Merch is just swag unless it comes with a code that gives you something in game.

Okay - now I think you might be a troll and aren’t new to this game.

That “store” isn’t an in-game store. It appears to be some store that licenses to make products. I don’t find that on the in-game store at all.


He is a troll. Same drivel every week just different toons. Next week well be back to Thiccboi or any of his other troll characters

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The statue is a standalone item. It’s not a part of the game at all. The comparison is just stupid.


Even if I wanted to throw money around I can think of plenty of other ways to do it

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looks at my statue uh so what’d everyone do today


Merchandising is harmless. It doesn’t affect the game in a negative way at all. In fact I wish all MMO’s and any pay2win style games with endless microtransactions would shift their profits in that area. Buy t-shirts, statues, mousepads, little toys, whatever that’s all great. Make as much junk as you want.

I draw the line when your selling me digital items that take content out of the game and lock it behind a paywall.

I honestly watched asmongold even as an FFXIV player cause I liked his YT content early on and thought he was hot :confused:

No. I am not joking. I am being painfully serious here. :expressionless:

Edit: So I’m not painfully oblivious to everything. Just… moderately oblivious?

And idk to me this is all the same kind of store >< I just see $800 WoW item and I mentally die.

Sorry for asking questions >.>

Further proof why Vulpera players are the worst.

This statue didnt take away from development time like the dumb fae pajamas did… that is the difference. especially when BFA gear looked horrendous but they use the art gear dev team to make fae pajaimas that only hook silly egirls that buy the silliest things.


They didn’t either :woman_standing:

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