There is an $800 statue. Yet you people mock people for wings for 6month sub

Ok can we consolidate all the faux outrage to one thread please

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I don’t really get the xmog outrage when mounts and pets are already in the store

we all knew it was coming sooner or later.

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There were already helms in the store for years

Doesn’t make sense why anyone questions others, simply for spending their own money on what they wish, in general.

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Can you still get those? Thought they removed them.

Looks at cabinet of GunPla Not much. Gave my cat a bath. Found out the hard way I did miss trimming all his claws prior.

Well we have to complain about SOMETHING don’t we? What do you think we’ll talk about if we aren’t spending entire days ranting about this? Heck we might just realize we’re wasting our time on pointless outrage and start doing productive things! Is that what you want? People doing productive things to improve their lives?

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Yeah, definitely agree about the vendor not giving a crap. A few months back I bought 2 shirts and the Shadow plushie. The plushie was going to be a present for a friend. The package arrives and the person at the warehouse sent it in one of those flimsy plastic pouches that you would normally put something like shirts in since it doesn’t matter how much the package gets bent/thrown around. So the box the Shadow plushie is in is completely destroyed. It comes in this really nice looking box. You’d have to be a real special person to think it would be fine to send it in a parcel like that. Had to re-order another. Thankfully it turned up fine. :neutral_face:

Don’t threaten us with a good time

Thrall better clean my houses and mow my lawn for that much money

Well the statue is in RL and can be swiped and or defecated on in the garden, whereas the transmog can be everywhere in your face in game.

Didn’t the wow shop used to have replica swords like frostmourne not forever ago?

I have one is those minis of my old paladin that blizz used to make

Who’s gonna buy a statue of green jesus that isn’t even green LMAO come on blizzard

My god I’ve never seen so many people upset over merchandising.

This isn’t costing us anything unless we want to buy an overpriced statue. What is there to be upset about?

There’s a difference between in-game stuff and just merchandise. Nobody cares if there’s a statue because if they don’t buy it, it doesn’t matter to them. This is comparing purchasing a real item and purchasing an armor set that isn’t included in the game that you already pay $15 a month for.

There’s a big difference.

If $15/mo covers X amount of content development, what is supposed to pay for anything developed beyond the scope of X?

Well digital items are like even dumber to buy than the physical ones. It’s just that one doesn’t harm the content of the game by locking it behind a paywall.

I’m not arguing this. I’m just stating the reason people are mad. This is comparing apples to oranges and wondering why people aren’t saying oranges are red.

I don’t get it.

The in-game art design is stupendous.

But the clothing art design sucks.

Dear Blizzard
I would love to give you my money but I am not looking for generic souvenir type t-shirts and hoodies.
Remember this:
I would pay $60us plus shipping for that design (front and back) on a zip front hoodie.
Sincerely, me

You are a bit dramatic lol.

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