There is an $800 statue. Yet you people mock people for wings for 6month sub

Now we know you’re a troll! LMAO


The statue is pretty neat. I can’t afford a 600-800 dollar statue, but it’s neat.

The unpainted version’s price had me ??? for a minute but I realized WH40k types pay 250 dollars per premium set of miniatures and thousands of dollars for armies they paint themselves.

I wanna see someone buy and paint this themselves.

I hear Chris Metzen paints minis…

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looks at my Grommash statue uh, not a lot. Just played WoW.


Ohh they hired a 3rd party team to make the transmogs?

I mean… LOL.
I may not have the same taste in men but I genuinely have found Zack hot for the past idk… damn… before he even was on Twitch and only was on YT.


Senpai will never notice me though I am sure. I don’t even talk in twitch chat cause it’ll get people flooding into mine and a mess LOL.

On a serious note, I don’t think Blizzard dedicates resources to making these. They just let other companies make them and get paid licensing rights.

I think the physical collector’s edition comes with a statue or some such object.

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u buy it, and i’ll paint it for ya. =]

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ROFL!!! this made me LOL irl!


Ah I see, that makes sense…

Still… my brain just oozes at the price tag for this merch and I just… I feel horror. HORROR XD

During a global pandemic launching this expensive thing…


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Remember years back some of the plushies came with codes for an in game pet? Wish Blizz would still do that. I’ve bought almost every plushie they have. :joy:


Its pointless merch. Its a gaudy trinket nobody needs. Who cares for the price?

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OMG. Plushies are my fave, honestly though.

Back when I didn’t even play FFXIV I remember there was a special pet and I wanted it SO badly. It was like some green radiated cat and SO CUTE.

Then I realized it was sold out :expressionless: or some other thing got in the way.

I just think when people are booting people from groups over cute fairy wings that it feels super bad to see this expensive thing. :frowning:

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You can… You know…

Just not buy it? I know I won’t be. Certainly not worth $800 imo.

Which is actually closer to $1.5k where I’m from…

A friend gifted me the Stitches abomination that came with a HotS skin from a short while ago. I never got the Wyvern and Gryphon ones though.

Premise is neat still.

Also as an aside – I don’t like Blizzards current vendor. They cut too many corners for me to actually want to buy anything from them anymore.

My Blizzcon poster came in a rolled box and was wet last year. The shipping on 1 single hoodie took 2 months. I honestly wouldn’t buy anymore stuff from that gear store.

I don’t think the problem is the merchandise on that store. I actually just hate the new vendor.

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This is the correct attitude. It’s just as stupid to bash the this as it is to complain that not everyone loves it.

It’s like those silly people that post pictures of themselves at the pool all over creation and are shocked when not everyone find them beautiful.

This is a bourgeois indulgence. A sacrament of consumerism. An offering to the benevolent gods of capitalism at this, its direst hour.

$800 for a plastic toy made in China. “This is a hand painted statue, final color may vary from shown images”… but it’s one solid color. How many ways could they screw it up? I mean, besides the Chinese slave labor.

We’re in a depression and they’re going to keep trying to extract as much wealth from us as possible before it’s over.


Well said op!

Let’s not forget though, some of those old guys were also responsible for the sale.

What do you mean “You people”?

I joke, I get the point. People will mock everything though. The best thing to do is just kind of sit back and watch it happen.

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Dang, same… That’s crazy…

I’m like 80% sure this was the blizzcon virtual ticket item, so it was designed regardless of its intention to wind up on the store. In fact, it’s technically cheaper than its original intent if you want to argue that it “costs” the price of the virtual ticket.

Also, it’s the art team. Do you think whoever was working on this wasn’t also working on other assets? Do you think there aren’t other people on the art team who weren’t working on this and doing other assets? Do you notice a quantitative decline in quality in art assets in what’s been revealed in Shadowlands that can be attributed to the reduced dev resources while part of the art team was working on a single transmog set? Idk, I think the Nathria tier sets look phenomenal. Sounds like the reduced resources didn’t do anything.